Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Menu Plan Monday

Menu Planning Monday

Last week’s menu didn’t quite go according to plan. We ended up eating out a lot more than I had planned. So, I’ll try to move a couple of the meals to this week, as “carryover meals”. 🙂 We did end up eating over half of the items that I had planned last week, just not on the day I planned them. So, I thought I would try something different this week – instead of planning by day, I’ll just try to plan a few meals.

As always, thanks to Laura over at OrgJunkie for organizing and hosting this each week! Go check out her blog and you’ll find tons more recipes and menu plans.

Sunday – we had the steaks, baked potatoes and salad that we were supposed to have last week 🙂

Monday – I’m thinking some kind of soup, but my choices are limited. I ran out of potatoes and sweet potatoes. (Yes, I know, I could run to the grocery store, but I just don’t feel like it!!!). So I might either make this chili or maybe this chicken noodle soup

Rest of the week:

Beef Stroganoff, wheat noodles, green beans or peas
Seasoned White Beans with ham or turkey, peas, cornbread
Tomato Soup and Grilled Cheese (carryover meal from last week; always a good standby in our house!)
Sweet and Sour Chicken, Potstickers, egg rolls

As always, the weekend is up in the air. I need to just totally give up on trying to plan food for the weekend 🙄

Have a great week, everyone!!!

  1. Gail Said,

    Your choices are never limited with soup! If you have barley or pasta of some sort you could add that to whatever you make….vegetable or chicken or beef. Could add rice, maybe Tim would be ok with it in soup; make dumplings of some sort.

    I’m gonna have to do tomato soup one day b/c I never think to have it. Weekend might include my child staying there, is that right?

  2. sherry Said,

    Oh I am SO making some soup tonight! Yummmm. Maybe Tuscan bean soup or my fav taco soup….. perfect weather for it!


  3. annie Said,

    Looks great!
    Bailey saw I was on your page (or gails?) and said.. “why is the linux penguin on the bar?” I told him you probably use linux? Matt is a big fan of linux.

  4. Eden Said,

    looks like a great menu!

  5. Claire Said,

    I SO made soup tonight, too! I kind of made up as I went and ended up with a shrimp florentine type soup. It was yummy and I can’t wait to eat it again!!!!

  6. jen Said,

    Sounds yummy….make your hamburger soup.

  7. Sandra Said,

    Looks wonderful, Yum 🙂

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