Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Friday Feast Meme

Friday Feast Meme

Feast One Hundred & Seventy
November 30, 2007

What is your favorite carnival/amusement park ride?
I’m not big on the rides, so it would be a tame one. I like to go around in a big circle, fairly fast and at a bit of an angle or incline… something like the Matterhorn, I think it is called (at our local state fair). When we went to Disney, I loved several of the rides like Big Thunder Mountain. I did NOT like Tower of Terror because of the drop (fear of heights thing).

How do you react in uncomfortable social situations?
Poorly. I don’t like crowds and I don’t like “overly social” settings. I don’t like being uncomfortable either 🙂

On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being highest, how much do you enjoy discussing deep, philosophical topics?
With Tim, probably a 7 or 8. With other people, probably much lower like a 3 or 4. I don’t like controversy and I don’t like hurting other people’s feelings, so I tend to avoid talking about controversial or deep topics that people often have strong feelings about.

Main Course
Did you get a flu shot this year? If not, do you plan to?
Nope. I got one, years ago, and got the flu. I know you’re not supposed to be able to get the flu from it, but I did that year and it was awful. I haven’t had a shot since, nor have I had the flu since! I figure, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it 😀

Approximately how many hours per week do you spend watching television?
Oh wow, too many. Probably 4 hours or more a day, if you count the Today Show in the AM, occasionally Rachael Ray in the morning and Oprah in the afternoon, and our nighttime shows and football. TV is my main form of entertainment, that, reading and movies 🙂

  1. Anna Said,

    I don’t like crowds or overly social situations, either. That alone makes me uncomfortable.

  2. Jenny A. Said,

    It’s been so long since I’ve visited! Enjoyed your feast—I am much like you in the appetizer and soup and salad. I hadn’t thought about the deep discussions with people other then my hubby. Save for a few close friends that are pretty much on the same page as me, I agree with you totally! need to go see what’s been up with you . . .

  3. Kara Said,

    I’m with you on the flu shot. The one year I got one I still got the flu! Great feast!

  4. Susanne Said,

    I’m not a ride person either, but I do love the bumper cars. :vD

  5. Lauren@Baseballs&Bows Said,

    I am the opposite with the flu shot. I got the flu four years ago. I was so sick that I have gotten the shot every year since with good results. Shots or no, here’s hoping that we both stay flu-free this year!

  6. Judi Said,

    Hey Stranger! I have missed you! I am TOTALLY in love with your template. I am with you on the soup and dessert.

  7. Shawna Said,

    I get motion sickness really bad, so I don’t like too many rides. I probably wouldn’t ride the Tower of Terror — I don’t like the drop!

  8. mamichelle Said,

    I couldn’t go on Tower of Terror either. NO way!

    I’m the same in social situations also.

    Have a great weekend, Stace!

    p.s. Happy birthday to Tim! Hope you’re celebrating this weekend.

  9. jen Said,

    I dont do well with confrontation….that is my biggest fault. And on TV…I’m worse.

  10. theresa Said,

    I used to do anything to avoid confrontation, I am much better at it now- but I do hate feeling uncomfortable.
    I am doing much better not watching tv since my hubby unplugged the tv in our main room and kitchen. At first I really missed now not so much.

  11. Dawn Said,

    You made me laugh right out loud with “I don’t like being uncomfortable either.” =)

  12. Fresh Girl Said,

    Our Soup and Salad are very similar and your Main Course sounds like something that has come out of my father’s mouth many times. Almost word for word! 😉

  13. Kara Reed Said,

    I debate the flu shot every year…I got one this year so we’ll see what happens!

  14. Gail Said,

    I don’t love roller coasters and scary rides but….if I can do Tower of Terror, you can too! It’s not so bad!

  15. Heidi Said,

    I love roller coasters, but amusement parks are too busy for me anymore.

  16. Michael - Lover of Amy Said,

    Hey Stacey – is the Menu Plan meme dead? I went to what I think is the home page and it looks like it has not been updated in over a month. I actually did one and added the Mr. Linky for it.

  17. Melody Said,

    Hey Stacy! I’m with you on the flu shot. I didn’t really want to get it but because we were going overseas so we took it as a precaution. I don’t think it helps a lot IMO.

  18. Michael - Lover of Amy Said,

    Just an FYI, I was so proud of the dinner I made tonight, I took a picture and posted it as my Wordless Wednesday.

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