Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Friday Feast Meme

Friday Feast Meme

Feast One Hundred & Sixty Two
September 28, 2007

How are you today?
Ok! Fridays are always pretty good – start of the weekend, so enough said! 🙂

Name 3 television shows you watch on a regular basis.
JUST Three?! Silly, it’s hard to pick JUST three! Dancing with Stars, Survivor, NCIS, The Unit. New shows, I think we’re going to like and stick with – Bionic Woman and maybe Chuck

What’s the scariest weather situation you’ve experienced?
Nothing very scary, thankfully. The worst was Hurricane Katrina. The wind and the sound of it got to me after several hours.

Main Course
If you could wake up tomorrow morning in another country, where would you want to be?

What do you usually wear to sleep?
I have several sets of PJ’s, summer ones and winter ones. Depends, but this time of year it’s a pair of soft boxer type bottoms and a soft nightshirt that matches

  1. mamichelle Said,

    Nice feast, Stacy.

    Have a great weekend!

  2. Sonya Said,

    Nice feast! I think I’ll do one sooN!

  3. And Miles To Go.... Said,

    what an awesome feast! I would love to visit Scotland. Have a great weekend

  4. Comedy Plus Said,

    Scotland sounds good. You were in Katrina? Wow, I wouldn’t want to go through that ever. Have a great FF and weekend. 🙂

  5. Gail Said,

    Fridays are always good!
    I thought you might say Scotland, or either England! But you could really get them both maybe on the same trip, as long as golf was included in Scotland. 🙂

  6. Cam Said,

    Is it Friday already??! I’ve totally lost track of days right now. Nice feast this week.

    We actually had some pretty bad weather here from Katrina…that was one huge, bad storm.
    My scariest though, was Ivan, in 2004. It was the worst night ever; so scary.

  7. Heidi Said,

    If we had Tivo we would watch more TV. I already forgot to watch some shows this week.

  8. theresa Said,

    Yep you and I think the same-how else can you be when you know you have the whole weekend ahead of you. I am surprised you don’t watch any food shows. Been to Scotland once, very pretty. Glad you survived Katrina.
    Have a nice weekend

  9. Carrie Said,

    Yes, soft pj’s is the key. There’s nothing worse than scratchy material for pj’s. Just not comfy!

  10. Southern Girl Said,

    I meant to catch Bionic Woman and Chuck, but I couldn’t tear myself away from that Ken Burns documentary, “The War” on PBS. Maybe I can find them online. 🙂

  11. Barb Said,

    Right now, Survivor and The Bachelor are the only two shows I’m allowing myself to become addicted to. Survivor goes without saying and The Bachelor is so ridiculous, it’s just fun. But watch out when American Idol starts again. I don’t even answer my phone when that show is on!

  12. jen Said,

    I boss went to Scotland one year when I still worked and his sweet wife brought me and the other gals a Santa Ornament in a kilt….so cute. Every year I think if them when I look at it.

  13. SnoopMurph Said,

    Oooh, Scotland. That would have been a great one. I added this meme to my blog with a few photos of the mini microburst windstorm that flattened my husband’s car and many of our neighbor cars too. Worst one for us!

    Have a great rest of your Sunday.

  14. Kara Said,

    We are on the fence with Bionic Woman…knowing me I’ll keep watching and have yet another show to add to my recording list!

  15. Shawna Said,

    The tornados are scary here. We’ve had hail damage twice from tornados in the last three or four years, but thankfully nothing worse has happened.

    I think I would like to visit New Zealand but Scotland sounds nice, too.

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