Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Random, Assorted, Misc

Random thoughts in my head…

  • I’m looking for cooking suggestions – as in, what can I serve with wings? As in buffalo wings or honey glazed wings, the kind of wings you get at a sports joint, and that Tim loves to have during football games. I make a blue cheese dip to have with our wings, and Tim always says that wings, dip and bread are ok with him. But I want to have some kind of side dish. Suggestions, anyone? Or other foods you might serve to family and friends during football games. I have done dips and chips, meatballs, burgers and sandwiches, etc. Tim loves to do wings, and I have a few other things I want to try. But I’m always looking for other suggestions!
  • I’m so glad it’s football season. Words can’t express how happy I am to sit and watch football with Tim 🙂
  • I am working on the “Cedar Cove” series books by Debbie Macomber. A few months ago, when I was at book 1 or 2, I know I checked my library’s online system and they had all of the books in this series. Now that I’m through with #5 and looking for #6, my library’s system doesn’t even register a copy. So, I broke down and bought number 6 and 7 in paperback at Walmart the other day. Gotta love buying good books 😀
  • We have still been renting a bunch of movies from Netflix. Our rate of watching new movies when they come in and returning them promptly has definitely dropped since football season began. I’m still so grateful for this free trial and being able to get all of these movies. Recently, we have rented and liked: Secondhand Lions, Stranger than Fiction and The Last Sin Eater. We should get in “The Ultimate Gift” today or tomorrow and I want to like that one. I’m on the wait list for “Wild Hogs” – it’s been on “long wait” for such a long time. Sigh. I can be so impatient sometimes 😀
  • I’m sort of looking forward to the end of the year – so that the Project365 photo project will be over with. I’m struggling with taking and posting a photo every day. I am also realizing that I’m blogging over here a lot less. Mostly, I’m doing memes, posting my weekly menu, doing an occasional book review, and posting a question of the day every once in a while. That’s because I’m posting about our day, or things I buy, or things we do, or places we go, over at my Project365 blog. For example, we had a great day on Saturday and I only posted about it over there. Nothing here 🙁 I sort of miss talking about something that happened, or posting a photo and story about Beau, or showing a picture of something I baked and putting the recipe with it, at this, my main blog. I know I could be doing that, but when I cover something at my other blog, I never really feel like blogging about it here too. Sigh. Mostly, I just HATE to give up. I am determined to see my Project365 through till the end. The bitter end.
  • I wish fall would hurry up and get here. I’m more than ready. I’m ready to wear jeans and long sleeve shirts. I’m ready to make more soups and stews and bake more. I’m ready to burn more of my Yankee Candles and have it smell like fall. I’m ready to buy Halloween candy and stuff my face with it 🙄 It can’t come soon enough for me!
  • I’m still contemplating taking a little blog break. I just can’t seem to do it. For one, as I mentioned above, I don’t want to give up on my Project365 photoblog, so I figure – if I’ve got to be posting there, I might as well be posting here. I try to keep up with reading my favorite blogs, but I can’t seem to get caught up. The realist side of me knows that if I take a break, it will take me FOREVER to try and catch back up after the break. Sigh. I just don’t seem to be able to come up with anything interesting to blog about. Suggestions?! 🙂
  • Hope everyone has a great day!

    1. jen Said,

      Wings…..I love cheese fries….I think you can get Outbacks recipe on line…..it’s a thought. Pizza homemade is good too….

      I love your questions of the day……do some on the seasons coming up….just an idea…..or about different things people do during the holidays.

    2. Gail Said,

      I don’t know if I’m much help about what to serve with wings since I don’t seem to do that kind of food! I like Jen’s idea of cheese fries, or some kind of spicy fry. I was thinking more of something healthy but I guess Tim doesn’t like that kind of side!
      Not much help in what to write about either b/c I’m in a rut as well! Have thought a/b break too but like you say, then it’ll take forever to catch up, or you just forget a/b trying to catch up and you sort of start over.
      We had a nice tease of fall with that cool snap but I knew it was supposed to be in the 90’s again this week but it’ll get here soon. Gotta go find another Cedar Cove book for me maybe.
      I’m not as much into football as y’all….and I think Liz got a little too much of it this weekend too from what she told me! Plus that pic probably expresses it all!

    3. Bev Said,

      I saw something made the other day that looked very tasty. It’s a sort cracker made with parmesan cheese that you can shape into little bowl shapes by draping them when they are hot onto different little jars and containers and when they have cooled fill with whatever you want. I was thinking of making some and filling them with seafood salad, meatballs, polenta, and maybe a cream cheese and spinach mixture. To make the crackers just spread spoonfuls of grated parm onto parchment paper, season if you like, and bake in a 375 degree oven for 10 minutes.

      You know I’ve taken a break from blogging and it is difficult to catch up. I didn’t have that many readers to begin with and those few I did, I lost (except for you and thank you for that). I did find that I missed it, but one of the things I’m trying not to do is rely on memes and such to try to come up with something to post. I maybe wracking my brain for things to say, but at least I’m doing something with my brain. 😉

      I”m with you on the “end of summer” thing, too. August was more than a bear to get through with the heat. I’m really a cool to cold weather person and triple digit temps really did me in. I’m loving this cool down and so is my air conditioner. 😉

    4. mamichelle Said,

      All I can think of is some sort of pasta salad? I’m not a wing person. I know I’m one of the few but I just don’t like ’em. I have a nice recipe for a warm pasta salad that has bleu cheese, spinach & grape tomatoes in it. If you want it, let me know. I’ll dig it out and email to you.

      Or how about roasted potatoes? I make those a lot when I’m cheating! I just throw them in a Pampered Chef 9×13 with olive oil, toss and add Mrs. Dash garlic & herb and some sea salt. I roast for an hour, give or take.

    5. Dawn Said,

      I always just go with the flow. Sometimes I take little mini-breaks. Like the last three days, I didn’t post anything. Then all of a sudden the inspiration comes rushing back. I just don’t force it if I have nothing to say for a few days. =)

    6. Susie Said,

      I’m afraid I can’t help you with any recipes to go with wings. I usually just eat them by themselves – I’m so boring!

      I highly recommend taking a blogging break if you feel like you need one. You will be missed, of course, but it’s better to be gone for a little while and not get totally burned out than it is to get so tired of blogging that you feel like you want to leave it forever (or for a very long time). Once fall gets here, why don’t you take a week or two and just get offline and enjoy the beautiful weather? Shoot, I’m thinking about doing that myself and I just got back from a blogging break! 😉

    7. Debi Said,

      If I’m not mistaken, when you first decided to do Project 365, you said you wanted it to be fun and not a chore, right? I’m pretty sure you started it with the caveat that you could give it up if it didn’t make you happy. It sounds like it has become a chore though. Maybe you should seriously think about giving it up. I understand that you don’t want to give up on something when you’ve invested so much time in it, and you don’t want to feel like you failed to meet a challenge. But I don’t think it makes you a failure to decide that something isn’t making you happy anymore. I think the smarter thing is to take that “time” back and put it into something that brings you more pleasure. Maybe that something will be blogging more here…or maybe it will be something entirely different. But you do owe it to yourself to at least consider it, don’t you think?

    8. Southern Girl Said,

      Would a selection of assorted fresh veggies for dipping be booed? Seems like something cool and crisp like that would be a welcome relief from the spicy wings…

      I loved “Secondhand Lions” and “The Last Sin Eater”! And I have “The Ultimate Gift” on my queue, too. Hey, if you’d like to be my Netflix friend, email me what address you’re using and I’ll send you mine. 🙂

      If you’re not enjoying Project 365 anymore, then you should stop — do what I do and post when the fancy strikes you. It’s much more relieving. 😉

    9. twiga92 Said,

      I know what you mean about a blogging break. I find myself wondering what to even blog about. So take whatever time you need. It’s supposed to be fun!

    10. Meredith Said,

      Can’t help you with a side for wings…

      I’m with you on the football excitement. I LOVE football…especially college football. You’re so right when you say that words can’t express how happy it makes you. I’m right there with ya, friend!

      And movies…I loved Stranger than Fiction and Secondhand Lions. I recently received the Last Sin Eater, but returned it without watching it. And I’m dying to see Wild Hogs. My husband loved it when he saw it at the theater. I’ve heard about the Ultimate Gift, but don’t know anything about it. Guess I should add it to my queue.

      I’ll work on that photo of Pikes Peak for ya. I can’t see it from my house, but next time I have a good view, I’ll be sure to have my camera with me.


    11. Heidi Said,

      Good luck with your football menu. We often make meatballs of some sort or another and then veggies and dip. I’m not sure that would complete your menu though.

    12. Lisa Said,

      The best and easiest possible football watchin’ dish:
      1 can refried beans
      8oz. package of cream cheese
      1 bag of shredded cheddar (or you can buy a block and shred it, but that just seems like extra work, dontcha think?)

      In a square, glass dish: start with the cream cheese, spread the beans over that and sprinkle the cheddar on the top. Toss in the oven (pick a temp, any temp. this recipe isn’t an exact science) for about 10 minutes, until it bubbles and set the dish out with some chips.

      It’s perfect! But I am from Wisconsin, so cheese matters in all football related yummies!!

    13. Laura Said,

      I’m so glad it’s football season, too. But I lament the end of baseball season.

    14. theresa Said,

      love wings- the cheese fries idea sounds yummy- I like pizza with mine and I always like extra sauce with the wings so I can dunk my crust in it.
      We definitely overdosed on net-flix the first couple months we had it, I am down to about 2 movies a month, although I do like getting the tv series dvds, my husband watches 1-2 movies a week.
      Saw stranger than fiction- I liked it , I didn’t feel it had an overdone theme to it.
      About blogging, everything in moderation-if you cut back to two days a week, you still leave the door open- there are some days I feel I have nothing to say and then all of a sudden something hits me.
      Your house seems like the house to be at on Sunday afternoons!

    15. Karen Said,

      I think we’re all tempted to take a little break from blogging now and then. There’s no harm in trying and if you miss it after a short time, we’ll all be here! I agree with Theresa — everything in moderation. Last week I went a whole week without blogging — it wasn’t intentional, but after a couple days I resisted to pressure to get in there and write something. I just let it go until I felt drawn back. This is supposed to be fun, after all!

      I’m just starting to get into the football/game snacks idea. I thought I would try a burrito bar sometime. Just put out warmed tortillas and let everyone fill their own.

      I’m excited for fall, too! I love the change in seasons:)

    16. Kim Said,

      You want Fall, you say? Come on up! We are definitely entering Fall mode here. Cloudy, cool weather, and darker earlier at night. We went to my daughter, Sarah’s apartment tonight to celebrate her birthday, and she had it decorated so cute and had fall candles burning–smelled yummy.

      I just want you to know that I would miss you if you took a break from blogging! But if you need a break, you need a break! This should be fun, and I for one liked your post today–like you have said on my blog when I post rambling thoughts…”those are the best kind of posts!” Hope you find some inspiration–but I think just keeping it real is what makes a blog readable and enjoyable.


    17. amy Said,

      Love reading your blog but I have had to take a break myself. I also love reading Debbie Macomber. Family Christian Stores is now selling a knitting book of hers..Wish I knew how!

    18. Simply Dawn Said,

      Screaming up and down here…ready for fall! Patt looked at me last night….looked at the kitchen aid mixer….back to me and asked when was I going to start baking again. When it’s not so dang hot!!!

      So come on fall! PLEASE!!!

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