Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Friday Feast Meme

Friday Feast Meme

Feast One Hundred & Fifty Six
August 17, 2007

Describe your laundry routine. Do you have a certain day when you do it all, or do you just wash whatever you need for the next day?
Well, if you’ve visited here much, I’m sure you know that I’m pretty regimented and routine-oriented. I function best when I have a routine, and that naturally extends to my full-time job, homemaking. I do have a routine on my laundry – on Mondays, all of Beau’s stuff gets washed, on Tuesday I do towels (I love alliteration!) and Wednesdays I do sheets. I usually do whites and colored clothes every 2-3 days, alternating days. It depends on when I’ve done them last, but I’m going to wash colors today 🙂

In your opinion, what age will you be when you’ll consider yourself to truly be old?
Gosh, I don’t know. When I was younger, I thought 30 was old. Now, 30 looks awesome! How about 70?! 😀

What is one of your goals? Is it short-term, long-term, or both?
I set a goal of the number of books I want to read each year (for the last 3 years). I read 70 books last year and I had originally set my goal for this year to be 75. But, I’m already up to 68, so I don’t think I’m going to have a problem meeting and exceeding my goal. So, now I’m trying to figure out a new goal to shoot for 🙂 My main long-term goal would be travel. Especially to England and Scotland – that’s my lifelong dream, to visit those 2 countries.

Main Course
Name something unbelievable you’ve seen or read lately.
I’m drawing a complete and total blank on this one right now!

On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being highest, how happy are you today?
About an 8, I guess!

  1. JHS Said,

    I am totally jealous of your well-organized laundry routine. I wish I could pull something like that off. If I did, I might actually find the bottom of the pile. (I never have. I’ve given up looking for it, actually.)

    My feast is posted and you are invited to drop by!

  2. amy Said,

    Love you answers..I can you are goal oriented. and its obvious that you like routine!


  3. Carrie Said,

    LOL, your laundry schedule cracks me up for some reason! Have a good weekend!

  4. And Miles To Go.... Said,

    love you laundry schedule 🙂 Great feast! Have a wonderful Friday, Stacy.

  5. Susanne Said,

    Fun answers. I do definitely pick up that you are a routine kind of gal.

  6. Laura Said,

    I think that is my dream laundry schedule! I wish I could keep up like that!

    I do laundry every other Sunday. I make sure we have enough clothes for 2 weeks. But it also means I have 8-12 loads to do on laundry day.

  7. Gail Said,

    Wait, you like a routine! Did I know that!
    I need a bit more of one, oh well.

  8. Heidi Said,

    Good questions this week.

  9. Stephanie Said,

    Laundry? I put a load in every morning, whether I have a full load or not. That way, when something unexpected happens (like both kids peeing their bed twice in a night), it doesn’t become an emergency laundry situation. And we don’t have room to have a pile of dirty clothes. I’d rather have them hanging in the closet!

  10. Amy Said,

    My laundry room is downstairs so naturally I haven’t been able to go down there is a really long time. But don’t worry! Laundry has been done..lol! I keep my kids busy doing it so it stays caught up at all times!

    I’m getting closer to 70 all the time so I’d like to say that 105 is pretty old! But please, Lord, don’t let me live that long!

  11. annie Said,

    Wow, you really have laundry down to a science Stacy!
    Great feast.

  12. jen Said,

    I’m doing good to do 3 loads a week..seriously. I’m trying to conserve energy and the heat from the dryer is so hot anyway.

  13. Judi Said,

    Great feast missy! I have missed you! I am all for the travel goal too!

  14. deb Said,

    I’d love to travel to both of those countries, too! Someday maybe both our dreams will come true 🙂

  15. Theresa Said,

    Love the 70 age, I hear it is the new 50.

  16. shellsq Said,

    I do laundry whenever it piles up or I need something. I typically do it a couple of times a week with the four of us and then my sheets on the weekend.

    I totally agree on 70. I used to think 40 was old….

    I didn’t have time to do my feast this week and it was a good one!

  17. sherry Said,

    I wash clothes all the time. blech It never ends.

  18. Shelby Said,

    my laundry never ends…

  19. Debi Said,

    So true about aging, huh? I’m not even sure I think of 70 as old anymore. My parents are both going to hit 70 in a few years, and they don’t seem old at all yet. Thankfully!

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