Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Look – A Good Thing!

Back during the Dog Dogs of Summer bloggy giveaway, I won a “good things book kit” from the incredibly sweet Barb, over at A Chelsea Morning. It came in the mail earlier this week, and I haven’t had the chance to blog about it yet. Thank you so much Barb, I just love it!

I think this generous gift is just the impetus I need to get some things organized around here. I have recipes and cooking ideas, travel destination blurbs, decorating ideas and all kinds of stuff torn out of magazines and newspapers, just sitting in piles. This is going to be perfect for organizing them in. I’ve already got it started a little bit, and I also decided to bite the bullet and get another binder, just to put recipes in. I collect recipes. By the thousands, it seems like 🙂 Anyway, here’s a few shots of the project that I hope to work on a lot over the next few weeks.

In honor of Barb, I’ve also named my “Good Things”! (I haven’t decided what to put in the middle square – I’m open to suggestions!!! 😀 )

I couldn’t think of a better thing for an opening page, than the page from Petfinder.com last year, describing the doggie that would become our beloved Beau:

Christmas candle idea, using a glass mason jar, cranberries and a floating candle:

Cooking and description chart for apples:

Travel ideas!

As Barb and her hero would say, “It’s a good thing!” 😀 Thank you again, Barb!!!

  1. Project 365 » Day 224 Said,

    […] I won a “Good Things book kit” during a bloggy giveaway, and received it this week.  I also picked up a plain 3-ring binder at Walmart this week, and hope to start working on the piles of paper that I have everywhere in my house.  Things ripped out of magazines and newspapers.  Recipes, travel ideas, decorating ideas, cooking tips, etc.  The nice binder that I won (which I blogged about here) is already in progress, and I hope to start soon on the recipe-only one.  I have hundreds of recipes, I bet, in piles and drawers around here. Then, I have a backlog of about 2 years worth of magazines to go through too.  I think I will be busy for a while!  At least now I have some binders and page protectors in which to sort and organize them in.  As Barb and her hero would say, “it’s a good thing!” […]

  2. Barb Said,

    Oh how fun, Stacy! Look at you, already putting things in that binder. And the letters look great – I had a hard time finding letters I thought would work. Good job and I hope you have as much fun with your as I’ve been having with mine for years and years. Mine is about full and I’m having a really hard time finding another binder that remotely matches the one I’ve already got. Sigh.

    I’m tickled pink you won this giveaway.

  3. Stacy aka Vaders Mom Said,

    Fun idea. I vote for a picture of Tim & Beau in the square. They fit the title quite well 🙂

  4. annie Said,

    Looks so cool! I am going to look for something like that.
    Hope your having a great weekend Stacy.

  5. Heidi Said,

    That IS a good idea! I am organizing this weekend too, but different stuff.

  6. jen Said,

    Love that candle idea. My MOPS group is doing something like this based on Organizing Christmas things starting in October. Helping you get things done so you can enjoy Christmas starting December 1st. Barb is great…she one heck of a women…I really just adore her.

  7. amy Said,

    How wonderful..I noticed your sidebar has lori wick

    She rocks!

  8. And Miles To Go.... Said,

    what a wonderful gift you received!! The Doggy Days was so much fun!! Enjoy your week Stacy!!

  9. Susanne Said,

    Have fun with it. This was such a great idea of Barb’s and I’m glad you’re being blessed by it!

  10. Karla Said,

    What a neat idea! A great way to count blessings. 🙂

  11. Kim Said,

    what a fun gift to win! I organized loose recipes into an accordian file folder and it did feel good to get a bit more organized. Hope you have tons of fun with your project! 🙂

  12. Gail Said,

    Ooh fun, can’t wait to see this! Maybe you can inspire me to get mine done, my recipes are done though, yay! Need to tweek a few of them.

  13. shellsq Said,

    That’s a great gift! It must have been fun to put it together!!

  14. Lynne Said,

    You’re putting the book to good use already. Love the Beau page – but then, I love everything about your precious puppy!

    Another vote for a picture of Tim and Beau for the cover.

  15. sherry Said,


    I keep something like that myself! I need to get it out and update it!


  16. Sonya Said,

    How cute and thoughtful!

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