Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Friday Feast Meme

Friday Feast Meme

Feast One Hundred & Fifty Four
August 03, 2007

*This feast contains leftovers from April 2006. Consume at your own risk!*

On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being highest, how polite are you?
Well, being very Southern and being born and raised in the Hospitality State, I think I’m fairly polite. I’d rate myself about an 8, I think 🙂

What was the last thing that made you laugh out loud?
An older movie we rented from Netflix – 13 Going on 30 with Jennifer Garner. I had seen it, but Tim had not (I rented it a long time ago when he was out of town on business). It has several 80’s related scenes in it that are laugh-out-loud funny to me.

Who is your favorite cartoon character?
I don’t do cartoons! How about Snoopy? Is he a cartoon character? 🙂

Main Course
Tell about the funniest teacher you ever had.
Ugh, I don’t remember any of my teachers being particularly funny. Then again, I don’t remember most of my teachers. The few I do remember are the ones that were difficult, for one reason or another.

Complete this sentence: I strongly believe that ______________________.
I strongly believe that the media and the paparazzi in this country are out of control, with regards to celebrities and reporting what they are doing or not doing.

  1. jen Said,

    I agree with paparazzi. They are so out f control. I think it should be illegal to follow people and snap pictures its like stalking or invading privacy of these poor people. They are really more patient than I could ever be.

  2. Write From Karen Said,

    Hi Stacy!

    I agree about “13 Going on 30.” I love Jennifer Garner (devoted fan since Alias) and just think she’s cute to begin with. She was perfect for that part and did a great job. And there were definitely laugh out loud moments.

    And I totally agree with you about our media (and our weird obsession about movie stars. They are people doing a job, get over it). And I’d like to go one step further and say I think the media in general is too focused on making people fearful and too determined to display their political agendas to actually report the news anymore. I never watch the news beyond the actual facts of any one event because quite frankly, I’m not interested in so-and-so’s opinion. I can form my own opinion, thank you very much. (Grr, don’t get me started). *smile*

  3. Dawn Said,

    I agree with you. I could not be a famous person in this country. I wouldn’t be able to stand not being able to go around the corner for a burger without it being documented.

  4. Laura Williams' Musings Said,

    So true on your dessert!

    Great Feast!

    Come on by, my feast is sitting on the table waiting for guests to arrive.


  5. Coach J Said,

    Oh, I love that movie! Great 80’s stuff! I had to laugh at consuming some leftovers from 2006. Still pretty good food! 🙂

  6. And Miles To Go.... Said,

    I LOVE Snoopy!! He’s quiet too 🙂 Great Feast.

  7. Carrie Said,

    Oh! 13 Going on 30 is one of my favorite movies. I even own it. The Thriller dance scene is my very favorite!!

  8. Heidi Said,

    Of course Snoopy is a cartoon character!! He’s my favorite too. We have a lot of the videos!

  9. Debi Said,

    As for dessert…you said it, sister!

  10. shellsq Said,

    Great feast. No time for it this week though. I’m heading back to the hospital for dh soon.

    Have a nice weekend, Stacy!

  11. Kim Said,

    Good movie. Haven’t seen that one in awhile. I’ll have to track it down and watch it again.

    Great feast!

    Mine is up…come on over.

  12. Stacy Said,

    Amen to the last one!!

  13. SnoopMurph Said,

    Loved 13 Going on 30-one of my favorite movies. I completely agree with the media overemphasizing celebrities. It is no wonder some of these younger celebs are having such deep-rooted difficulties.

  14. Lynn Said,

    That movie was playing at the nail salon yesterday. I think I was the only one in the place that actually laughed out loud! I wonder what was wrong with all of those other women………I mean it IS funny! 🙂

  15. Melody Said,

    Hey Stacy, I love snoopy too! It has been some time since I watched his cartoons, LOL.

  16. Melanie Said,

    I love these Friday Feasts! Some Friday I am going to have to join in.

  17. Michael-Lover of Amy Said,

    I am with you on the dessert. The problem is, our society has a thirst for that kind of crap. It’s like drugs I guess, there will always be a supplier as long as there is a demand and we certainly have the demand.

    Radio personality Neil Boortz (boortz.com) comments on this from time to time, particularly in regard to the fact that the only source of “news” for far too great a percentage of the American population is either Entertainment Tonight or People magazine. Can I get an Amen?

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