Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Spelling Fun

SpellingI briefly mentioned in a recent “update post” about some movies we’ve watched lately. I blogged about how my favorite of these was “Akeelah and the Bee”. I thought that was a great movie and I highly recommend it. I love words and spelling. That goes hand in hand with my avid love of reading and all things related to books.

So, it came as no surprise when Tim walked in the den one morning this week (he works in our spare bedroom, the “office” and I hang out in the den and kitchen with my laptop) and said “did you know you could do a spelling bee online?” Huh? How can you do it online, you will see the word? No, he says, it does a spoken thing and then you spell the word. Now, this is a game or feature I could spend a lot of time doing!

It’s at our favorite dictionary site – www.thefreedictionary.com. I like using this site versus dictionary.com because it has a spoken feature that is free, that you don’t have to be a paying member to get to. I like to hear a word pronounced, in addition to seeing it written out with a definition. This site also has a thesaurus, as well as specialized sections on computing terms, medical, legal and financial terms. We really like it. I had noticed a while back that they added a Hangman game on the main page, and I have played it some. But — I had not seen the Spelling Bee portion! Oh my, have I been having fun with that! Tim and I played for a while, then his break was over and he had to go back to work. Me, I am playing whenever I have any free time. Check it out if you like words, spelling and things like that 😀

P.S. I told Tim I was going to blog about this site and what fun I was having doing the spelling bee. He said “be sure to tell them it’s addictive” :mrgreen:

  1. mamichelle Said,

    Jeez, I’m afraid to check it out, Stacy! I love spelling and words. I just don’t want to get hooked! Maybe next week while I”m off…..

    p.s. I finished another book (the Highest Tide)! I just started another James Patterson.

  2. Becky Said,

    Ha!!! Sounds like so much fun. I’m heading over there right away! I used to be the girl who everyone asked how to spell stuff…let’s see if I still got what it takes! 🙂 God bless!

  3. Cam Said,

    Oh wow!!!!! That’s my thing!

  4. Shelby Said,

    That movie is on my top ten list of faves – for all time probably.. really fantastic movie 🙂

  5. jen Said,

    How fun…I may do this with Madison…she is great speller for her age. She always keeps a 99 average in that subject. Thanks,

  6. Eden Said,

    lol, you are too funny. THanx for the link. I’ll have to check it out. I have that movie on my netflix list.

  7. Southern Girl Said,

    Ooo, I am SO going to play with that when I get back from my trip! Thanks for pointing it out!

  8. Lauren@Baseballs&Bows Said,

    How neat! I will have to try it!

  9. Shawna Said,

    I use dictionary.com a lot. I’ll have to check at the other site. I’ll have to tell my hubby at the Spelling Bee. He enjoys things like that!

  10. Amy Said,

    I loved that movie too. I got to watch it when I was in the hospital because they had new releases available! Cool. I’m looking forward to going back ;o)

    Anyweigh, eye so half to check this site out because I always one the spelling beez in schul! I’m not so grate at it now…lol!!

    It sounds like a new addiction to me! So long tetris, hello spelling bee!

  11. Carrie Said,

    I just loved that movie, too!! Such a feel good movie!

  12. Coach J Said,

    That sounds like fun, but I just CAN’T be addicted to another thing!! 😉 Maybe next February, when the season’s over…..can you mention this again then? ha,ha!

  13. Simply Dawn Said,

    Ok now I’m off to check it out…what’s one more addiction! Right!?!?

  14. Melody Said,

    Thanks for sharing, Stacy! That’s a great site! 🙂

  15. SarahJane Said,

    Oh fun! I’m totally going to check it out when I get a chance… I’m a nerd who loves to spell! I was our classes 3rd grade representative in the spelling bee at school… but I was eliminated on the word “receive.” I forgot the i after e rule… but I’ve never forgotten it since!!

  16. Wendy in MD Said,

    Great site, thanks for sharing! I can’t understand the spoken word very well, so I can’t play that game, but I really like the match up game!

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