Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

SmartShopper & a QOTD

Get a load of this thing!


{As seen on the Sur La Table website, here} It’s called the “SmartShopper Grocery List Organizer”. It …

Alphabetizes and groups items by where they’re found in the store. 7½” x 4″ x 1¼”.
Recognizes nearly 2,500 grocery items, or add your own to the database.
Coupon flag feature.
Add simple errands like bank or dry cleaning.
Built-in printer requires no ink cartridges
Uses four standard AA batteries.

Now, I love electronics and I actually really like grocery shopping. Heck, this time last year I bought myself the bottom level Palm PDA with an application called SplashShopper already loaded, just so I could keep my shopping, library, Walmart and Sam’s lists with me, electronically. But, this thing, geesh, I had no idea they made something like this! I think it’s pretty pricey at $150, but that’s just me. For years and years, I just kept a running tab of my grocery list on a magnetic pad of paper that was attached to the side of my refrigerator. The one thing that bothered me about that list was that it was inefficient. I added things to it as I thought of them, or if I used up one can of something from my pantry, I’d add another one. So, my list was not in order. Does that make sense? What would always happen would be that I’d get to the bottom of my list, or flip to the backside, and find something that I had missed several aisles over. An aisle I had already been down. Very inefficient, and that kind of stuff bothers me 🙂

Anyway! So, if you had the money, would you buy it? I am very happy with my Palm, but of course it doesn’t print anything out. Not a biggie for me. I like going totally digital 🙂

That’s today’s Question of the Day: How do you keep lists of things you want or need to buy? Electronically or on a piece of paper? Do you even go to the grocery store or Walmart or Target with a list? Is it organized, or do you find yourself circling back to get something you missed on a previous aisle or section of the store? How often do you go to the store to get groceries or household items? Do you sit down with the sales circulars and plan out your shopping trip, or do you keep a running list? Or no list at all! Leave me a comment and let me know!

  1. Cam Said,

    Like you, I love to grocery shop (only when I’m alone, though). I don’t have any electronics to keep up with lists, but I do keep a running list much like you described. I add things to it as I think of them or as I run out.

    When it’s time to go grocery shopping, I go through all our cabinets and the fridge, also the bathroom cabinets, and write down anything we’re low on. I do organize the list in sections, based on how the store is laid out…but I still end up having to backtrack several aisles for *something* that I missed, since I don’t list in aisle-by-aisle order.

    I USED to shop once a week, on a particular day, and I used to be very organized and diligent with it. That was before I had G. LOL! Now, I go whenever I get a chance, and I often don’t have a lot of notice. So I’m not nearly as efficient with it and I’m forever missing or forgetting something.
    I also USED to do the circulars and follow all the sales, use coupons, etc. That’s all a thing of the past, too. I just don’t have the time, even though I believe in the value of doing all that. I think in the future, once kids are much older, I’ll go back to doing it.

    That’s a pretty interesting gadget. If I absolutely had money to blow, I’m still not sure I’d buy it. But I can see how it would be very nice to have!

  2. Coach J Said,

    I have a grocery list going in the back of my mommy desk calendar that stays in my purse. It is not organized according to the grocery store, and I find myself standing in the different isles, going over my list again and again to make sure I didn’t miss something. And, I still have to make those extra trips at the end ’cause I missed something!
    This thing sounds great. I just wonder if I’d use it enough to warrant paying $150.00. Maybe I oughta wait ’til the price comes down. 🙂

  3. Gail Said,

    This gadget is so YOU! You should get it!
    I keep a list going on a pad that’s on my fridge, very outdated in your opinion I know 🙂 But it works for me for now. A lot of what I could say sounds very similar to what Cam wrote. I try to go over my list as I hit each aisle as Coach J said and yes, gasp, I do miss something and have to backtrack sometimes! But it doesn’t bother me too much……I sometimes make multiple trips to the store in a week and sometimes I go once every week or 10 days! I like to live dangerously that way!

  4. j Said,

    I grocery shop every 2 weeks. And I meal plan and write down everything we need the Sunday and Monday before I go. I leave the list on the computer desk for people to add things to during the week. When I grocery shop I leave with 2 weeks worth and it’s a load. I also go to Walmart. Sometimes Aldi’s. We dont have a Target. I wish we did. I try not to go back within those 2 weeks. I also spend around $220….which isnt bad for a family of 4 including wipes and diapers. I stick to the list too.

  5. Heidi Said,

    I think that gadget is too organized for me. I have a magnetic list on the fridge where I write things to buy on. But usually, I don’t write a long list–I can almost always remember what we need. It is more towards the holidays that I have longer lists of things to buy. I also am flexible so that when I see something on sale, I can make a meal out of it.

    Usually, I do have to go back to an aisle to get something I forgot.

    Interesting quetions!

  6. Lynne Said,

    I usually make up my grocery list by looking at the Sunday sale papers. And Shelby, because she works there, will tell me what’s on sale at Publix. I try to buy just what’s on sale.

    I do keep a pad of paper on the refrigerator and jot down things that I need. I’ll re-do a list before I go to the store to keep things in some sort of order.

    I try to shop just once a week, but usually have to wind up running back during the week for special things – usually things that Shelby wants.

    I like that gadget, but probably wouldn’t spend that much money for it.

  7. Laura Said,

    I make lists. But mostly for the husb. I can whip through the grocery store and pretty much remember what I need. 🙂

  8. Carrie Said,

    I have a list on the fridge that’s an *add on*. Then, I have my main list here at the desk that is organzied according to the grocery store. I always take my list with me and never sit down with the ads.

    As for that thinger … yes, I would buy one in a heartbeat!

    I shop about once a week now. I used to go once every 2 weeks. I like going weekly better, though.

  9. mamichelle Said,

    I hate to grocery shop.

    I keep a running list in the kitchen drawer. When I’m ready to shop, I rewrite the list in aisle order.

    I think I would buy this item if I had the money!

    If I see things say in Walgreen’s in the Sunday paper, I make a list of what I need but not in order.

    p.s. Thanks for your nice comments!!

  10. Sonya Said,

    Pretty interesting. Not sure if I’d buy it. I’ve never used an electronic device for my lists. I’d have to try it (or any kind of electronic device) and then decide whether I like it or not. It does seem kind of handy. I do know that there’s no way I’d pay that much for it. It would have to be alot cheaper if I were to purchase it :-o)

  11. Stephanie Said,

    I menu plan biweekly and have a list organized by store aisles. For those things that run out inbetween my shopping trips, I have a list on the fridge, which I add to the organized shopping list before I go, or if I need them right away (how long can you go without deodorant!?) I just do a short run to the store.

  12. Simply Dawn Said,

    I use to try and origanize everything…then I married Patt and threw my hands in the air and said I give up….so for me…it’s sticky notes all over my computer at the office. I will jot down a few things I need to pick up when I go to the grocery store but that’s about it these days…but I do love gadgets 🙂 that looks cool!

  13. Judi Said,

    It’s definitely all about the lists for me. I have my list broken down my section of the store. So I just add stuff in the appropriate section. I know…OCD. I would probably buy this gadget if I had an extra $150. It looks pretty cool!

  14. amy Said,

    I rarely do lists!!! Thats probably why I get so stressed at the store!

  15. Sherry Said,

    I LOVE LISTS! I make them about anything, on anything, with anything. Crayons, lipstick, receipts, old envelopes; doesnt’ matter!

    I have notebooks that are solely around for list-making.

    I wouldn’t buy the grocery thingie even if I had the money. I’m an old-fashioned list-maker gal!


  16. deb Said,

    Omg, Stace, I am deathly afraid of that thing, seriously lol! I jot lists down on whatever scrap of paper I can round up and then I never stick with it. I’m always at the grocery store…it’s completely out of hand most weeks.

    Our basic list for grocery/Walmart shopping is dog food, cat food, cat litter, Coke Zero, iced tea and “something for supper” lol 🙂

  17. Stacy (Vader's Mom) Said,

    Oh the joys of practically being single. I go to the store and grab what I remember. If I forgot something, I just go back the next day. I have to pass the store on the way home anyway. Jeff usually picks up whatever he needs so I don’t have to worry about that either.

  18. Suzanne Said,

    Better yet, just shop online at Peapod and they shop and deliver it for you!!!

  19. Betsy in AR Said,

    I shop one time a week. Well if they finish 4 gallons of milk b4 the next time I go back. I put my menu on one side of the sheet, my list (broken down by departments) on the other. When I get home I hang the menu on the fridge. I dont think i would buy it

  20. SnoopMurph Said,

    I am definitely a list maker. I have a typed out grocery list that I print out and put on the fridge. I then circle whatever I will need on the next trip. My DH can also circle stuff too. I have a Costco section and also the produce/farmer’s market area. It is pretty detailed, but it is really easy to shop with my handy list.

    Not sure if I would buy the high tech gadget, but it does seem interesting.

  21. Lucy Dee Said,

    I don’t mind grocery shopping as long as I have a list, and as long as I’m not with my mother. Electronics are cool only when I’m in search of something new. I’m a research freak so I have to read all the past reviews of the item /category I’m in search of. I’m very methodical about it all.

    Sorry I couldn’t jazz up this comment. I’m usually more witty, seeing as I’m comedian. I guess I’m not a very good one. Oh well. Nice coming across your blog. You seem to be quite popular! I hope I can achieve the same status in the blogosphere!

  22. annie Said,

    I keep a list on excel and also keep a list on the fridge so the fam can add things.

  23. Karla Said,

    I LOVE this gadget and would so like to have one!!

    Since we just moved, I am trying to get used to our new grocery store. ICK! I’ve been there several times and STILL feel like I am going around in circles.

  24. booklogged Said,

    Love that gadget. I do make a list and group like things together, but the store doesn’t always cooperate. They are all the time moving things and mixing them up. But grouping still saves me a lot of time. I like to shop with husband and daughter. We divide the list into three parts, with each of us gather in one part of the store then meeting at the front where we consolidate to one cart. Most of the time I can get my husband and daughter to go without me. Am I lucky or what?! I don’t usually use the ads, though I used to and I would be smart to still refer to them. Lazy, I guess.

  25. booklogged Said,

    I just looked at the price. YIKES! I’ll keep making my handwritten, paper lists for a long to come.

  26. Dianne Said,

    What will they think of next? I used to use HandyShopper – free PDA appl. I’ve gotten away from that though and for about a year used nothing. You got it – nothing. Guess I was too stressed at work to make a list at home or something. I’ve finally gotten back to it – store list on fridge, but i have a menu plan in Google Docs (which I need to update for the next 2 weeks.).

    Fun QOTD as usual!!!

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