Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Giveaways & Schmooze Me Baby

I’m so behind on reading my favorite blogs. I’ve been trying to catch up some today, but still have a ways to go. I was so thrilled to find that I had won not one but two giveaways during the Bloggy Days of Summer Giveaways!!! :mrgreen: Thanks bunches to Barb (at A New Chelsea Morning) for my Good Things book kit and to Karen (at Mommy of Three) for my homemade apple pie a la mode candle. I am so excited about both, and these ladies, and so many others, are so sweet to do these giveaways. πŸ™‚

Schmooze Award

I also discovered that both Lynne (Lynne’s Little Corner) and Karen (at Over the Backyard Fence) nominated for the “Blogging Community Involvement Award – the Power of Schmooze”. You know, I think it’s sort of cool that you ladies think of me as a “schmoozer”! πŸ™‚ As Lynne and Karen both wrote (and I am plagiarizing here):

Schmoozing as defined by Dictionary.com is the ability Ò€œto converse casually, especially in order to gain an advantage or make a social connection.Ò€? When it comes to blogging, schmoozing is your ticket to making new friends, getting yourself noticed and building a reputation.

Now, I’m supposed to nominate some other wonderful, oozy schmoozy bloggers for this award. This is the hard part! There are so many wonderful ladies who come here and read my nonsensical posts and leave me lovely comments, as well as those who respond to the comments that I leave on their blogs. It’s so hard to pick, and I really could easily pick a couple of dozen of my favorite bloggers. So, consider yourself all tagged, but especially these ladies:

Cam at Ms Understood – Cam is one of the first friends I made in the blogosphere. She is wonderful about stopping by, leaving me comments, and answering all of my silly questions on her blog and via email. She’s a schmoozer in the very best sense of the word!

Debi at Nothing of Importance – Debi is another longtime cross-visitor and schmoozing bloggy buddy – she regularly visits here and I love stopping by her blog. She’s so full of energy – she homeschools her kids, she cooks, she crafts, she reads, she joins lots of great challenges and she is just the sweetest person.

Kim at Mom-Musings – Kim is a new blogging buddy, but we share so many of the same loves (books, cooking, family) and she’s just the sweetest blogger. She always stops by to visit, always leaves me wonderful comments and she’s just a great schmoozer. She also “introduced” me to my last nominee!

Sarah at His Little Wife – Sarah is my newest blogging buddy and fellow schmoozer. Sarah is Kim’s daughter and they are both great – fun, interesting, sweet, great bloggers, and great commenters.

  1. Cam Said,

    Oh, LOL! I’m a schmoozer! I’m honored! You know, I find it so easy to come here and comment every day, though…you make it easy to just “chat”! πŸ™‚
    Thank you, Stacy! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

  2. Cam Said,

    OH! Forgot to say congrats on your goodies! That’s super-cool!

  3. Carrie Said,

    Congratulations on all your wins! You llucky duck! Isn’t Debi the bestest?! I just love her to death! Have a good night!

  4. Melody Said,

    Congrats, Stacy! πŸ™‚
    And yes, Debi rocks! πŸ˜‰

  5. Debi Said,

    Congrats, Stacy! You most definitely deserve it! You, my dear, are just the bestest “schmoozer” out here! I’m serious, Stacy…this is a place anyone can come and not just feel welcome, but feel right at home, if you know what I mean.

    Oooo…and prizes! Yeah!

    Now, as for tagging me….sorry, but I just had to laugh! I feel like I’m about the most introverted person in the world. I guess that’s the beauty of the blogging world…it allows you to be yourself and make friends without all the social anxiety that some of feel in the real world, huh? Anyway, Stacy, I am quite honored! Thank you!

  6. Linsey M. Said,

    don’t feel bad, i’m behind too!
    just catching up today while I am on hold with the phone company….

  7. Gail Said,

    I saw that you won 2 things! That is great, can’t wait to see your good things book from Barb.
    Got tagged for schmooze thing too, me? Congrats!

  8. SarahJane Said,

    Hooray! Thanks for the tag! I’m quite honored, especially since we’re such new bloggie friends!
    Congrats on getting yourself nominated as a “schmoozer…” You definitely are one, I see your comments all over the place!! And you always leave wonderfully thought out and interesting comments. πŸ™‚ I can tell you love hearing about peoples’ stories and lives… that’s always been one of my favorite things about reading other blogs!

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