Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Friday Feast Meme

Friday Feast Meme

Feast One Hundred & Forty Nine
June 22nd, 2007

Name a funny habit you have.
Hmm, probably my habit of picking things up and putting them in their place. I don’t like things out of place for very long. I don’t like to sit down in the evenings to watch TV or a movie and know that I have dirty dishes in the kitchen or things that need to be done. Oooh! I also have this funny thing that I do with my bookmark. I was reading at my sister Gail’s one time and she commented that she does the same thing, so we’re odd together 🙂 When I’m reading a book, I take my bookmark and sort of lay it on my left shoulder. I have no idea why or why I started doing this.

If you could instantly know how to play a musical instrument, which one would you pick?
Probably the piano

How long is your hair?
Somewhere between my chin and my shoulders. I would like to grow it a little longer, about shoulder length, but it gets frizzy at a certain point and I usually end up chopping it.

Main Course
When was the last time you forgave someone, and who was it?
Gosh, I have no idea. I am the one who needs forgiving most of the time. I have a temper and I get my feelings hurt too easily and get upset.

What is your favorite kitchen appliance?
Hmm, my favorite would be my red Kitchen-aid mixer. The one I use the most is either my crockpot or my toaster oven. Or lately, since we’re watching more movies, my microwave to pop popcorn 😀

  1. mamichelle Said,

    Too funny on the appetizer, Stacy. I’m just like you on putting things in their place. I hate that I can’t just relax but I hate the way the house looks if things are not in their place.

    I’ll have to try and do the feast later.

  2. Cam Said,

    That bookmark thing is very interesting, and yes, funny. Nothing wrong with it, though, just something different.

  3. And Miles To Go.... Said,

    I LOVE my crockpot!! Great answers!!

  4. Desert Songbird Said,

    That bookmark thing is quirky. I like it!

  5. Simply Dawn Said,

    Ok my kitchen Aid mixer is my favorite too. I love that thing! Great Feast!

  6. Heidi Said,

    I’m with your on the kitchenaid.

  7. Imma (Alice) Said,

    What a wonderful feast.

    Today is my first FF post, but won’t be my last, haha. I’m inviting everyone over for dinner. Hope you can come.

  8. Judi Said,

    Great feast miss stacy!

  9. Mandalyn Said,

    OOOH! I just got a “hand-me down” Kitchen Aid (not red so yours is much cooler 🙂 from my mom. I haven’t gotten to use it yet, but I keep eyeing it!

  10. Debi Said,

    I didn’t think the putting things away immediately was all that odd (coming from another “anal” personality here…lol), but the bookmark thing…now that’s interesting. And Gail does it, too, huh? You know, I might just have to try it myself…I’m forever setting mine down and then having to look all around me for it.

  11. Gail Said,

    I love my mixer too but haven’t used it much lately! Should remedy that, if I ever stay home that is! Gotta get me a toaster oven I think.
    I’d forgotten about the bookmark thing, weird! Mine is more sorta across my chest at times rather than a shoulder but still odd that we both do it!

  12. Amy Said,

    Okay, this is too weird, but I do the sort of the same thing with my bookmark. I slide it under the neck of my shirt so I don’t misplace it. LOL! I’m glad I’m not the only one!

    I love being able to microwave popcorn. Do you like kettlecorn? I love any kind of popcorn. i could probably live on it if I had too. As long as I had a Dt. Dew to wash it down with!

  13. CoachJ Said,

    Wow!! I’ve never heard of doing that with a bookmark! Where is the world did you get that from?? I just put mine towards the back of the book until I need it again.

  14. Jenny A. Said,

    I enjoyed your feast (I am late again!) I should take up your bookmark habit because i am always losing mine, and then having to use a Kleenex to mark my place. The bookmark is usually in my sheets the next morning!

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