Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Friday Feast Meme

Friday Feast Meme

Feast One Hundred & Forty Eight
June 15th, 2007

Fill in the blank: The best thing about where I live is _________________…
Most all of our family is close by

Create a new name for a deodorant (like “Flower Fresh� or “Shower Scent�).
Gosh, I’m horrible at this kind of thing. How About Spring Rain or Summer Flowers?

What was the last piece of software you installed onto your computer?
I installed updates to iTunes and Adobe recently. As far as the last full piece of software, it was probably the software that works with my Palm PDA

Main Course
If you were to receive a superlative award today beginning with the words �Most likely to…�, what would the rest of the phrase say?
Most Likely to be Quiet for the Day 🙂

What two colors do you like to wear together?
I’m so incredibly boring with clothes. I wear black and khaki, A LOT!

  1. Debi Said,

    How about No Mo B.O. Geez–I’m feeling goofy today.

    Anyway, it is so nice to be close to family, isn’t it? Not that we’re that close, but a lot closer than we used to be.

  2. mamichelle Said,

    Great feast, Stacy! Love black and khaki together!

    I keep forgetting to do the feast. Better get busy I guess.

    Have a great weekend!

  3. And Miles To Go.... Said,

    wow–I couldn’t stay quiet for one hour!

  4. amy Said,

    Nice feast.I had a hard time with this this week!

  5. Linda Said,

    Good appetizer

  6. Kara Said,

    Black and khaki go with everything -can’t beat ’em!

  7. Lori Said,

    Great feast!!

  8. Nicole Said,

    I love black and Khaki! (except I referred to it as tan on my site, but hey its darn close)

    I loved your feast and your blog is awesome! I will be back.

  9. Carrie Said,

    Can’t go wrong with Khaki! I own quite a bit myself.

    Have fun being quiet, LOL!!

  10. Karla Said,

    I am black and khaki kind of girl, too. In fact, that is what I am wearing today! Black shirt with khaki capris…and black flip flops. 🙂

  11. annie Said,

    Yes, Stacy it was the red new one… but I think it was just the hard vitamins I use that killed it. It is a wonderful blender and I got another just like it.
    Great feast btw…I thought of a question for your question of the day while showering 🙂
    Do you shampoo once or rinse and repeat?
    I rinse and repeat so my hair is really clean but wonder how many people shampoo twice in a row? then condition?

  12. Bev Said,

    Black and khaki. Sounds like me colors, too. 😉

  13. Cam Said,

    Good feast. Family nearby is wonderful! And I tend to wear a lot of black & khaki, too. 🙂 It’s easy & it looks good.

  14. Dawn Said,

    ::giggle:: One of the best parts about where I live is that family is far far away. =P

  15. Sheryl Said,

    Great feast! Loved your appetizer! I think your Summer Flowers would really sell.
    And, gotta love I-Tunes and Palm both!

  16. Sherry Said,

    My deoderant would be “spring dream”

    and I always wear black and denim. Or black and white. Or denim and red. Or khaki and black. I’m boring too.


  17. Southern Girl Said,

    I liked your Main Course! That could be me, too…if people would just leave me alone and LET me be quiet. 😀

  18. Susanne Said,

    Lol, the deodorant one is hard. I love khaki in the summer time!

  19. Kim Said,

    Great feast today. Loved all of your dishes! I wasn’t good with my soup either so I asked my hubby for help. Boy did he ever come up with some.

    Mine is up…come on over!

  20. Desert Songbird Said,

    I wear a blue on blue or black on khaki a lot. I’m so boring…

  21. Alice Teh Said,

    Black and Khaki sounds cool to me! I have almost the same Appetizer as yours. Another great feast served by Stacy. Love it! Have a wonderful weekend… 🙂

  22. Eleisia Said,

    Enjoyed your feast today! Khaki and black are classic colors. I like any color with khaki. Almost made that my dessert but changed my mind at the last minute!
    You are lucky to have your family close by.

    Come visit my feast.

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