Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace


We’ve been incredibly busy the last few days. I’m still pretty tired. I feel like just crawling in the bed and throwing the covers over my head. Alas, that ain’t gonna happen. This is always a really difficult time of year for me, and I haven’t quite come out of the fog yet.

Let’s see, busy as a bee. Bzzzz. Friday was spent shopping with my sister Gail and seeing a lot of our family before a graduation ceremony on Saturday. We had pizza Friday night (hence the pizza poll below!). Saturday we went to graduation and a big lunch afterwards at a local restaurant. We got to see all of our great nieces and nephews, which doesn’t happen often, so that was all really nice. After the graduation festivities, Tim, my dad and I went to the cemetery to put flowers on my mom’s grave.

Sunday, we got up early to drive over to church with Tim’s mom and the rest of our family on that side. We all had lunch and hung out all afternoon, which was nice. We got home last night right before Survivor started. I was soooo disappointed that Yau-man was not the winner. I’ve decided this morning that Dreamz is now in my top 2 of all-time unlikeable Survivor players. He’s right up there with Johnny Fairplay as horrendous, unworthy, despicable characters on that show.

We rented a movie late Saturday night on PPV. It was one Tim and I thought we wanted to see, and we were wrong. Dead wrong. I won’t even tell you the title, because Tim said he is ashamed we even rented it and wasted money and time on it. He wouldn’t even rate it on a scale of 1-10 when I asked him what he thought of it. I didn’t make it more than 20 minutes into the blamed thing. Movies with horrible, abject violence and atrocious language (think the “F’ word every second sentence or more) are just not my thing.

I took a bunch of pictures over the last few days and have posted a select few over at my Project365 photoblog. Here’s one I liked that I didn’t post over there – one of me and Tim after graduation:

Tim and Stacy after David's graduation

Hope everyone had a nice weekend and a Happy Mother’s Day. Here’s to a wonderful week ahead :mrgreen:

  1. Stacy Said,

    Such a sweet photo. Now, go take a nap!!

  2. jen Said,

    What a great photo. I love seeing pictures of my blogger friends. Sounds like a great weekend….busy but great. Slow down this week and chill.

  3. annie Said,

    Cute pic! I tivod survivor and haven’t watched it yet, can’t believe yau-man didn’t win!

  4. Gail Said,

    I hate Yau didn’t win! And after watching the reunion stuff I’m SO glad Dreamz didn’t win….was a little ambivalent about him before but really don’t like him much now!
    I need a nap too!
    Great pic, who took it? I need to add it to my collection b/c I don’t have one like that from Saturday.
    And of course I must know what movie! Call me or email me! Y’all coulda come back out to Clinton and gone to Spiderman with all the “kids”.

  5. Lynne Said,

    Great picture, Stacy. You two make a really cute couple!

    Sounds like you need a nap!

  6. Susie Said,

    I love the picture! You should get that one framed 🙂

    Come on now, you have to share the title of that movie. Think of it as a Public Service Announcement so none of us will have to rent it and endure the language and yuckiness.

  7. Shawna Said,

    It can be really fun AND exhausting to spend time with family! We had a very busy week, too. Great picture! I love you top and necklace.

  8. Heidi Said,

    You look very pretty in the photo. Sounds like a wonderful weekend. I have done that with movies before. I don’t like violent movies at all–I used to tolerate it but not anymore.

    Also, once I threw away a book that I finished reading–I thought it was such a horrible book that I wouldn’t even take it to Goodwill. 🙂

  9. Southern Girl Said,

    You must be worn out from all that running around! Wouldn’t know it to look at the photo though — you both look terrific! I’m glad the graduation and get-together afterwards went well and that you and Tim were able to spend some time with his family.

    I hadn’t watched Survivor as closely as you have, but I knew enough to know that I wanted Yau-man to win, so I was sorry he didn’t. But of the final four, if he couldn’t win, I’m glad Earl didn’t. Neither of the other two deserved to — from what I could tell, Cassandra never did anything, and yes, Dreamz was completely without honor. I’m looking forward to seeing the next one in China though!

  10. Kim Said,

    Great picture! I just love it. I was afraid to read blogs last night and today until I watched Survivor! I was really disappointed that Yau-man didn’t win.

  11. Karen Said,

    Very sweet picture! I learned something about you today. I had no idea that you and Gail are sisters! I really enjoy both of your blogs:)

  12. Debi Said,

    Oh Stacy…what a wonderful photo! Definitely a framer!
    What a busy weekend! And I’m glad it’s over for your sake. Not that any of the tough issues go away, but at least the focus on “mom” will be past. I think I kind of understand what you mean about the fog…I have a period like that each year, too. And though I think it’s okay to be sad, I do hope it lifts soon. Take care, Stacy!

  13. Lauren S. Said,

    Sorry your movie didn’t go well! That is a great picture!

  14. kathy m Said,

    cute picture of you two. You need to take your picture and include it more often in your blog. 🙂

  15. Simply Dawn Said,

    That is a great picture of the two of you. Oh and I looove the necklace!

  16. rach Said,

    Thanks for sharing this sweet photo. You both have lovely smiles. Glad you had a nice time except for the movie. Hope you’ll enjoy the next one you’ll see. Take care!

  17. Carrie Said,

    Sounds like you had a busy but nice weekend. Love the picture of y’all!!

  18. Sparky Duck Said,

    oh you gotta tell me the movie just so I avoid it

  19. trista Said,

    Wow! You have been as busy as a bee! I hope you have had some rest by now. 🙂
    Great photo of you and Tim!

    I too was VERY disappointed in Survivor. Johnny F and Dreamz are def top on my least liked list for the series.

    That stinks about the movie. the F-bombs are so unnecessary. It takes away from a movie, rather than adding to it. What a waste of money.

  20. mamichelle Said,

    Gorgeous photo, Stacy! You two make an adorable couple!!!

  21. Sonya Said,

    What a nice picture!

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