Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Menu Plan Monday

Menu Planning Monday

Last week went pretty much according to plan, except that I didn’t make the new recipe for Honey Mustard pork chops that I wanted to try. I am going to move it to this week and give it a shot. On that night, I decided to make some Chinese food. So, we had a chicken stir fry with brown rice, some eggrolls, and I tried a new recipe for Egg Drop Soup. I liked the soup and will make it again, but with changes. I used low-sodium chicken broth (what I had on hand), and didn’t think to add salt. I will next time, and I will also use less cornstarch. I didn’t have green onions, but they would help, as would a dash of either rice wine vinegar or soy sauce. It was good though, and we both liked it, and it was very easy.

As always, thanks to Laura over at OrgJunkie for hosting this every week. Be sure to go over and check out all of the great menus.

Sunday – Pancakes

Monday – new recipe for Honey Mustard Pork Chops, smashed potatoes, green beans

Tuesday – Taco Salad, pinto beans

Wednesday – Light Night before Tim weighs in – eggs, oatmeal, toast

Thursday – Chicken Veggie Soup, corn muffins

Friday – Meatball Subs, oven fries

Saturday – Date Night or TBD

  1. Shayna Said,

    I have never gotten the results I want when I make my own chinese food! I know when Damon gets home, I will be adding Meatball Subs back onto our menu! He loves them 🙂 Have a great week!

  2. Debi Said,

    Good thing it’s almost lunchtime…you just made me very hungry! It all sounds wonderful!

  3. Gail Said,

    I need to put some kind of soup back into my menu because I’m missing it! And I need to try something new, think I’m stuck in a rut. I ate entirely too much this weekend with all you guys!

  4. Bridget Said,

    it all sounds REALLY good!!

  5. Sherry Said,

    I meant to make meatball subs last week and forgot! It will have to wait til next week now, since my shopping is done 🙁

    Taco salad is one of my all time favorite meals! I haven’t made that in awhile either. Such a good mixture of yummy stuff!



  6. Shawna Said,

    I’m in the mood for panckes!

  7. annie Said,

    my daughter emelia loves egg drop soup!
    I’ve never made it.
    your menu looks great

  8. Judi Said,

    Yummy! Sounds good. I’ll have extra meatballs on my sub.

  9. Carrie Said,

    Looks good … Y’all enjoy!

  10. Kim Said,

    Honey mustard pork chops sound wonderful. You’ll have to post the recipe if they turned out good.

  11. Angie Said,

    Waving “HI”. The menu sounds wonderful. I haven’t been doing a menu lately and it’s killing my pocketbook. Monday I’ll be back on the list!

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