Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Friday Feast Meme

Friday Feast Meme

Feast One Hundred & Forty Two
May 4, 2007

Name something you would not want to own
. A motorcycle. Tim wants one and I do not want him to have it. A close second would be a snake for a pet. Over my dead body. Tim has a friend who has one. Yuck.

Describe your hair (texture, color, length, etc.).
Gosh, I don’t like this question. I have icky hair. If I didn’t color it, it would be grey. It’s coarse, frizzy and has a mind of its own. It wants to flip one way one day and the opposite way the next day. I wish I had good hair ๐Ÿ™

Finish this sentence: Iรขโ‚ฌโ„ขll never forget ___________.
The vacations that Tim and I take together. They are all great, each and every one.

Main Course
Which famous person would you like to be for one day? Why?
Well, this didn’t specify living or dead. I wouldn’t want to be a famous person, but I would like to go back in time and see how so many famous people handled famous situations. Like FDR when Pearl Harbor was bombed and he had to give his famous speech. Or a meeting of the Continental Congress. Or sit back and watch Edison think and invent things. Stuff like that, fly on the wall kind of stuff rather than being in that person’s place for a day.

Write one sentence about yourself that includes one thing that is true and another thing that is not.
I wanted to be a pilot when I was younger, but I ruled it out because I suffer from motion sickness.

  1. Dawn Said,

    i feel your pain on the hair situation. mine does whatever it wants to do whenever it wants to do it. and it has multiple personalities every day. that’s why i opted for a style that “looks windblown” on purpose. it never looks the same two days in a row but now i use that as a strength. =P

  2. annie Said,

    Fun feast Stacy. I agree with the motorcycle thing, why do hubs always want one of those death machines?

  3. annie Said,

    Nope, I’m 6’1″!

  4. Simply Dawn Said,

    ohhh the motorcycle…yikes wish I could get patt to say bye bye to his, but I have to admit he wants a snake too. Very quickly he was told he could live with me or the snake but both of us will not live in the same house!!! (he thinks when we have a kid and if we have a boy i won’t be able to say NO to our darling little child….wanna bet…hehe)

    Have a great weekend! ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Carrie Said,

    I don’t blame ya for not wanting the motocycle. My uncle was killed on one (by a drunk driver) and I have issues with them now!

  6. Susie Said,

    I think the pilot part is the part that isn’t true. ? ๐Ÿ™‚

    And I also agree about the motorcycle. I worked with a girl who was killed on one and she left behind a very sad husband and teenage son. They’re not worth the thrill, in my opinion!

    Happy Friday!

  7. Heidi Said,

    Same deal with the motorcycle issue. My hair is pretty unmanageable too.

  8. rach Said,

    Hi Stacy. Thanks for visiting my FF and for the comments. I respect people who are responsible gun owners but I just don’t want to get one for our house.

    I agree with your appetizer. I don’t want a motorcycle because I would only worry whenever my husband is on one in the busy highway. What’s ironic is, he convinced me to ride one (motorcycle he borrowed from his cousin) with him and surprisingly I enjoyed the ride. But I still didn’t want him to get one. After agreeing with me, would you believe his brother decided to give us a scooter? At least a scooter is okay because he can just ride it inside the village and not out on the busy streets.

    I’m guessing you wanted to be a pilot. I don’t think you have motion sickness because you love travelling. Right?

  9. Cam Said,

    Hey, girl I hear you about the motorcycle! I wouldn’t like it either. My brother has one and I’ve ridden with him–they’re really fun, but it doesn’t change the fact that they’re extremely risky.

    And those are good, thoughtful choices on who you’d like to be (or who you’d like to observe).

  10. Debi Said,

    I’m so with you on the motorcycle thing! They scare me silly! One of my dad’s good friends lost his leg in a motorcycle accident when I was a kid.

  11. ribbiticus Said,

    i bet you would’ve been a good pilot! come dine with me! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  12. amy Said,

    Great dessert. I dont want a motorcycle either

  13. Carrie Said,

    I ate the peanut butter crackers with the side of hash browns (strange, I know) … but wasn’t drinking a cold beer …. it was a cold Coke! :o) LOL!

  14. Bridget Said,

    A pilot–that’s great! Loved your answers.

  15. mamichelle Said,

    Great feast, Stacy! I know which is true on the dessert!!

  16. Southern Girl Said,

    Great feast, Stacy! I don’t blame you for not wanting Tim to have a motorcycle. You know what ER workers call people who ride motorcycles, don’t you? Organ donors!

    My little brother had a pet snake for awhile — our mother caught it for him out in the driveway with a broom and a bucket. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Great answer for the Main Course! That’s what I’d like, too.

  17. tiggerprr Said,

    Well…I totally agree about the motorcycle. My first hubby had one, it scared me to death!

  18. Gail Said,

    Yep, so with you on the motorcycle thing!
    You do have good hair, you’re just supposed to get a cut that fits with the way your hair does…..f rizzy/wavy means you have body in it which most people with straight hair would love to have!
    You wanted to be a pilot!

  19. Susanne Said,

    Motorcycles make me nervous too!

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