Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Friday Feast Meme

Friday Feast Meme

Feast One Hundred & Forty
April 20, 2007

What is your favorite kind of bread?
Good grief, what kind of bread don’t I like? I love most any bread hot out of the oven with butter slathered all over it.

When was the last time you bought a new pillow?
Not that long ago, probably within the last 6 months. And I’ll be buying new ones soon. Tim is very hard on pillows and I buy 1-2 sets a year. I wash them a lot. Oh, and just yesterday, I bought some pillow protectors, but I haven’t taken them out of the package yet to try them.

Approximately how many hours per week do you spend surfing the ‘net?
Oh wow, we REALLY don’t want to go there, do we? Let’s just say, too much

Main Course
What’s the highest you remember your temperature being?
I have no idea, maybe 103º

Fill in the blanks: When I ____________, I _____________.
When I am tired, I am really grumpy and irritable. 🙂

  1. mamichelle Said,

    Great feast, Stacy! Ditto on the salad!! lol

    p.s. TAC is The Angel Company (stamps)

  2. Gattina Said,

    He, he nobody wants to admit the time spending on Internet ! I don’t surf but I like to spend my time with reading blogs, comments and writing and for me that is not a loose of time !

  3. Susanne Said,

    Now you have me craving fresh, hot bread.

  4. Carrie Said,

    Great feast! :o) Hope y’all have a nice weekend.

  5. jenny Said,

    that’s a good reason to be grumpy! hehehe…mine is ready!

  6. Amy Said,

    I’m right there with you on that dessert!

  7. Haley Said,


    I wish I would have seen your comment before I started making my stew, because it ended up just like you said, very think and absorbed most of the broth. But I’m glad there’s a remedy. Next time I’ll be prepared! Thanks for the tip!


  8. Gail Said,

    I think I saw most everything else in your basket yesterday except the pillow protectors! Now you’re gonna have to send me a picture because I’m curious and I feel like I missed something 🙂

  9. Debi Said,

    I’m with you…how on earth can a gal pick one favorite bread?!!
    And now I must admit that I’m feeling stupid again…I’ve never heard of pillow protectors before. What exactly are they? Sound like a good idea anyway.

  10. Heidi Said,

    I love bread! Especially freshly baked with butter!! Yummy!

  11. Laura Said,

    Mmmm…. bread…..

  12. Lauren S. Said,

    It’s amazing how much time I spend on the internet when I think I am only going to check something for just a minute! I am with you on the bread! I will never be on a low-carb diet!

  13. Cam Said,

    Oh yeah, bread is yummy in all forms!

    You gotta let me know how you end up liking the pillow covers.

  14. JennaG Said,

    Don’t worry, I get grumpy and irritable when I’m tired too!

  15. annie Said,

    GReat feast!
    ♥ Annie
    My Life as Annie!

  16. paperback writer Said,

    I sooooo love bread. Hot. Crusty. Fresh. Bread.

  17. JennaG Said,

    I would have to say that I probably am on the web a little longer than twelve–I would say that a better answer would have been 18. That sounds like a lot to me, though. I was in denial.

  18. Sherry Said,

    I would probably fall over if I figured out how many hours per day I was on the net! It’s my part time job! lol


  19. Haley Said,

    I love your feast! Ans the best part is the stew was saved thanks to your help. I added the extra brtih, reheated it and *poof* it was perfect! Thanks for all your help with this! I really appreciate it. 🙂

  20. Susie Said,

    I’ve not heard of pillow protectors either. What are they? They make me think back to when I was little – I had a pretty severe allergy to dust mites, so my mom bought this plastic cover to put over my mattress. I used that until I was about 8 or 9, I guess. I eventually grew out of that allergy, and thank goodness for that or I would suffocate and die in my house now, it’s so dirty! 😀

    Oh, and I agree with you on the bread thing! This (wo)man can live on bread alone (with butter). 😉

    Have a happy Saturday, Stacy!

  21. Melody Said,

    Hi Stacy, thanks for stopping by! Loved your feast… Have a great day!

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