Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

The Desk

OK, so I was tagged by Debi, then prompted by my sister Gail, and then tagged by Judi to show a photo of my desk. Well. This one is a toughie… I don’t have a desk!

See, I had a desktop PC for the last 3 years, but we bought me a laptop last month (March), for our anniversary. The reason being that my husband is working more and more from home, and he needed a desktop space more than I did. So, we got me a laptop so he could take over the desk in our home office area (spare bedroom where we keep all of the computers, craft stuff and just junk in general!).

But, since everyone asked so nicely, here’s what I could come up with:

Here’s Tim’s desk:
Desk in the office

And, when I snuck in to take a picture, Tim caught me before I could sneak back out. He asked what I was doing, and I explained it to him. Then, he gets a big grin on his face and says “why don’t you take a pictures of the MESS up under the desk?”. He knows I don’t like to advertise how messy certain areas of our house are on my blog, or to people in general. This one is entirely his doing though. When we had problems with Hambones a few weeks ago, he had to pull everything out to work on the hardware. Needless to say, he didn’t “tidy” things up when he finished. So this mess of wires is NOT my doing πŸ˜€

Messy Wires
P.S. That’s Hambones folks, both of those PC’s and all of those wires!

Lastly, in lieu of a desk, I’ll show you where my laptop resides the majority of the time. Sitting on the ottoman next to my favorite chair, which is next to a window overlooking my backyard. I can see lots from this vantage spot, so it’s one of my favorite places:
Laptop Zone

OK, I know you’re supposed to tag someone, but I’m not in a tagging mood. If you’d like to play along, that would be superduperfantabulous πŸ™‚ Just leave me a comment so I can come check out your desk or work area πŸ˜€

  1. Gail Said,

    That was your desk for a lot longer than Tim has had it, 3 years vs. 3 weeks! I know it’s his now though but you’ll still use it some………I just thought of something, you could have used your scrapping table/desk if you want!
    Mine has messy wires under it too………and several told me my desk was neat; guess I really should have put up the picture with the piles of papers on it! Or taken a picture of those said piles now on the floor!

  2. Barb Said,

    This just cracked me up, Stacy. The UNDER part of your desk looks a lot like mine and probably everyone else out here who still has a PC would say the same thing. A veritable mountain of cords. Very clever to post HIS desk.

  3. Dianne Said,

    My desk looks great, especially b/c it’s an armoire and everything’s behind closed doors! Now Mike’s desk . . . (or should I say desks – yes he has two – a rolltop one in the livingroom and a computer one in the bedroom) is atrocious and I have no compulsion to help the situation (the computer one I mean).

    I loved knowing everyone deals iwth the messy cord issue!

  4. Stacy Said,

    Fun! My home desk is my lap sitting on the left-hand side of the sofa with my feet propped up on the ottoman. (Usually with Vader snuggled between the sofa and ottoman.) No picture of that is going up on the web though πŸ™‚

  5. JennaG Said,

    Thank you so much for posting your pictures! I am planning on my lap being my desk very soon–if we ever get our wireless set up! Hopefully soon.

  6. Lauren S. Said,

    Fun! It’s neat to get a peek into other people’s homes! Thanks!

  7. Lisa Said,

    This is my “desk” : http://www.harsma.net/forimages/details.php?image_id=1242

  8. Judi Said,

    I can totally identify with Tim’s desk. I am so glad to see it. Thanks for playing along!

  9. Kim Said,

    I love it! My wires are all shoved behind the desk, so I didn’t have to share that. I got a laptop in February and to quote you it’s “sitting on the ottoman next to my favorite chair, which is next to a window overlooking my backyard. I can see lots from this vantage spot, so itÒ€ℒs one of my favorite places.”

    I had to laugh when I read that, because it describes my spot exactly. I have a lap desk from Target that I stow beside my chair when I am not in it, and it goes in my lap with the computer on top when I use it (like right now).

  10. Carrie Said,

    LOL, dare I say that your desk is way neater than his, bwhahahahahahaha! :o)

  11. Melody Said,

    Thanks for sharing, Stacy! My work desk is messy, hopefully the boss will think I am working hard! LOL.

  12. Debi Said,

    Oh, as much as I love our new desk, I’m still a bit jealous of yours. The ottoman one, that is…sounds like a heavenly little spot to perch oneself!

  13. Write From Karen Said,

    I LOVE looking at everyone’s work/desk space. It’s fun to see where everyone hangs out all day (or in my case, all day. *grin*)

    And what are you talking about? THAT’S not messy! Everyone’s “under the desk” area looks like that! The hundreds of cables and cords are part of owning a PC with with cool toys attached. lol

  14. Cam Said,

    Oh dear, if that was messy, then you would die if you’d seen underneath our desk for a couple of years. We had a mess of wires like that and no excuse for them! When I painted Philip’s office last summer, after the furniture/computer was moved back in there I MADE him organize and tie all those cords. It looks very neat now. But for a few years it was a mess!
    I really like your “desk” area! That looks very relaxing & pleasant.

  15. Shawna Said,

    I have my photos up. I should have taken a picture of the wiring under my husband’s desk!!

  16. mamichelle Said,

    ooh, nice desk, Stacy! And for the mess below — we all have it!! LOL

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