Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Menu Plan Monday

Menu Planning Monday

I’m afraid there’s not too much original on the menu this week. Most of it is a roll-over from last week. We had some stuff come up and I didn’t get to make but 2 or 3 of the things on my menu from last week, so I’m going to push them on into this week. Isn’t that always the way things to go sometimes? 🙂 Plus, we’re trying to do a little better (after splurging most of the weekend on pizza and take-out Chinese), so I’m putting salad on the menu for two nights in a row. Ack!

Thanks to Laura over at OrgJunkie for hosting this every week. Be sure to stop on over and check everyone’s menu!

Monday – Hamburgers, potato salad, veggie or side dish

Tuesday – Taco Salad

Wednesday – Grilled Chicken Salad

Thursday Shanna’s Cheesy Chicken & Tortellini, salad, maybe bread

Friday – Meatball subs and oven fries or TBD

Saturday – Date Night or TBD

  1. Carrie Said,

    Mmmmm, Grilled chicken salad! Know what I like to do with mine? Grill some onions, as well. Then top my salad with sour cream and guacamole rather than dressing. It’s soooooooooo good! Enjoy your week!

  2. annie Said,

    Your menu looks great!
    ♥ Annie
    My Life as Annie!

  3. Gail Said,

    It looks good! I like Carrie’s take on the grilled chicken salad too!
    You got chinese and didn’t wait for me!

  4. Jennifer D Said,

    Doesn’t have to be original to be good! Sounds yummy! I love meatball subs – I’m having them for lunch today (leftover from last week!) I’m gonna have to try Carrie’s idea with the chicken salad too – yum! Have a great week!

  5. Shayna Said,

    Man, I am TOTALLY craving Chinese food, but have tried so hard to not order it… That may change this week! Everything on your menu looks great!

  6. Dawn Said,

    there’s a burger in my future this week too. mmmm… meatball subs sound yummy as well!

  7. Sherry Said,

    It may not be “original” (is that what you said? bad memory) but everything looks very, very yummy!

    I LOVE hamburgers and potato salad, taco salad, chicken salad, meatball subs — and I’m sure I’d love the tortellini dish too if I had ever tried it! LOL

    Have a great week!


  8. Debi Said,

    Yum! It all sounds perfectly delicious! I haven’t made taco salad in a long time…must remedy that situation.

  9. JennaG Said,

    Yum–grilled chicken salad is one of my fave’s. The meatball subs sound wonderful too! I am going to try and post my menu tonight–just a little late!

  10. Shawna Said,

    I think we’re going to have tacos this week. I’m going to make Mexican cornbread to go with it.

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