Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Blog Talkers

Blog TalkersKaren, over at Blog Talkers, sponsors this every week. You have a whole week to answer at your own blog. Click on over and play along sometime 🙂

This week, Karen wrote: Please tell us: What story is on the front page of your local newspaper? Do you think the event is worthy of front page coverage?

OK, we get the newspaper every day (I’ve blogged about it before, here). I don’t read a lot of the stories in depth. I skim the headlines, and I like to read the local news that pertains to my area. You know, store openings, library sales, street closures, local people highlighted, the neighborhood kind of news. I do NOT like to read about local politics. Our nearby mayor and city council are a JOKE. I cannot stand to read about them, and they make the front page almost every day. I refuse to talk about them.

Instead, I’ll talk about something I found a couple of days ago in my paper, way back on page 8 or 9. Also consider this a public service announcement! I didn’t know that postage stamps were going up again.

Postal Service unveils 41-cent “forever” stamp

An image of the Liberty Bell adorns the U.S. Postal Service’s new “forever” stamp. The design was unveiled Monday at the National Postal Forum, an industry gathering. The forever stamp goes on sale April 12 at 41 cents. The rate for first-class postage rises to 41 cents May 14.

The stamp, which will carry the word “Forever” instead of a price, will remain valid for sending a letter no matter how much rates go up in the future. That will eliminate the annoyance of buying one- and two-cent stamps to make up a new rate when prices rise, and folks who want to hedge against inflation could lay in a supply of the stamps for long term use.

  1. Write From Karen Said,

    Oops, I commented on the forever stamp before I read this post. Does anyone else find it crazy that they even HAVE this program?? And you know what’s going to happen, the forever stamps will become a rare and hot commodity and end up selling for double it’s worth on eBay or something. And we wonder why people go “postal?” (sorry, couldn’t resist)

    And I’m with you on the whole politics comment thing – I ABHOR politics. It’s such a sham.

  2. JennaG Said,

    I don’t get the paper and actually rarely watch the local news. I know, I’m bad! I don’t guess I mind the forever stamp–sounds like they might be sorry they did it in a few years–with inflation and all!

  3. Becca Said,

    I do wonder how long it will be before they recant on the forever stamp too, you know the postal service and the government, never can havet too much of a good thing, especially when it is at their expense. They’ll find a way to say it is costing them too much. But I’ll get my stamps since I have to send a lot of things to the east coast.

  4. Susie Said,

    Our local politics are insane, too. They seem like a bunch of people who forgot to grow up. Now that I think about it, it’s the same national politics too!

    We get the local paper here, because Jeff writes an op-ed. I hardly ever read anything but that. 🙂

  5. Suzanne Said,

    I actually heard a radio news cast that said the “Forever” stamp isn’t a good investment because even tho’ stamps have gone up a good bit last several years, prices won’t accelerate that much in the nearer future. So don’t do it !!
    You’d love our local newspaper, very, very local news…..

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