Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Menu Plan Monday

Menu Planning Monday

It’s that time of the week again! Thanks to Laura over at OrgJunkie for hosting this every week. There’s a whole host of ladies who participate every week, so click on Laura’s link and check out some of the other menu offerings. A lot of them are probably more tasty than mine 🙂

Before I get to the menu, I wanted to update on the new recipe I tried last week. It’s for a Crockpot Chicken Spaghetti, and it was incredibly easy and pretty good too. Tim wasn’t thrilled with it, but I think it’s more because he had gone out to eat lunch with his buddies from work at an all-you-can-eat pizza place, so when I had chicken with red sauce and spaghetti for supper, he didn’t get all excited. 🙂 I thought it was good though, and it makes a lot. Too much for us really, but it was good.

OK, on to this week:

Sunday – Breakfast for supper; we had Crispy Ginger Ale Waffles, deer sausage

Monday – All on the grill – Chicken (Tim) / Salmon (Stacy), grilled asparagus, grilled red potatoes

Tuesday – baked flounder, mashed potatoes, salad or veggie

Wednesday – Light Night before Tim weighs in at work – Black Bean Soup, salad

Thursday Crockpot Chicken Santa Fe over fat-free tortilla chips

Friday – Leftovers or Date Night

Saturday – Pizza or TBD

  1. jenny Said,

    wow- grilling sounds like fun! I love grilled food! i wonder what the grilled asparagus taste like? i should try that in the summertime, where I can grill all the time 😉

    mine is ready…

  2. annie Said,

    I saw the link for the spaghetti and realized it was Annie’s chicken spaghetti – I’m annie 🙂
    Anyway, I think that to make this spaghetti perfect you have to use pressed fresh garlic cloves and lots of them, the garlic makes it… also if you have a sams wholesale club in your area there is a spice calle “spicy spaghetti” that just makes any italian dish better. It has the usual oregano and basil, but also red pepper and other things that give it a great kick. I also use whole wheat linguine!
    Have a great week.

  3. Debi Said,

    I think I have to stop reading your menus…I always end up salivating and hungry!
    No, seriously, sounds like you and Tim will be eating a bunch of yummy stuff yet again!
    Just checked out your Crockpot Chicken Santa Fe recipe…yum! Another to add to my “must-try” pile.

  4. Sherry Said,

    Oh I love that Chicken Santa Fe! Yum. You are good for eating fish a couple times a week. I have a problem getting it in. I kinda like fish, but I’d much rather eat chicken or veggies or beans.

    Have a great week,


  5. Dawn Said,

    mmmm… i love fish. so… how does Tim feel about Tuesday’s dinner? 😉 LOL

  6. Suzanne Said,

    My grandmother used to make a chicken spaghetti that was not red, however, it was like a white sauce, I even think my Mother did it some too……

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