Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Friday Feast Meme

Friday Feast Meme

Friday, February 09, 2007
Feast One Hundred & Thirty

Appetizer – Have you been sick yet this winter? If so, what did you come down with? Not really sick, but a minor sinus thing here and there. I got really run down around Christmas and it took me a few days to feel better and get my strength back. Thankfully, nothing very serious (knock on wood, I don’t feel that great today!)

Soup – What colors dominate your closet? Black and khaki mostly, with some white, red, pink and blue thrown in for good measure.

Salad – How would you describe your personal “comfort zone”? OK, maybe it’s because I have a headache, but I’m confused by this question. Does comfort zone mean where I’m most comfortable? If so, then at home or around family and friends. I’m not fond of big crowds and I have this thing about my “personal space” when I’m in a crowd with strangers. If comfort zone means what is a place where I’m comfortable or what does it look like…. again, home. Big comfy chair, wrapped up in a quilt, with some hot chocolate and a book, that’s comfort for me

Main Course – On which reality show would you really like to be a contestant? None of them, but if I had the guts and the abilities to do it, I’d like to do Amazing Race with Tim. Thankfully, I’m smart enough to realize my limitations and know that I would NOT do well in a stressful situation like that 🙂

Dessert – Which holiday would you consider to be your favorite? Probably Christmas, although I like them all!

  1. Write From Karen Said,

    Again, we’re like two peas in a pod. Sinus thing, personal space thing, except you didn’t list purple as one of your colors.

    I see I still need to work on you a bit. *grin*

  2. local girl Said,

    The Amazing Race is definitely not for me. I’m too much of a wimp.

  3. Stacy Said,

    It’s not your head. I was confused by the “comfort zone” question and I thought I was thinking on all cylinders today. Maybe not though. Maybe I never think on all cylinders 🙂 haha

  4. Susie Said,

    Okay now I feel bad about the comfort zone question. I didn’t mean to confuse people. 🙁

    What I meant was sort of the amount of space you like to keep between yourself and others. Maybe it was a badly worded question… oh well!

    I hope you feel better soon!

  5. Shawna Said,

    I’m most comfortable in my home, too. I’d rather have people over to entertain than go someplece else because I’m so shy.

  6. Barb Said,

    I wouldn’t survive two hours on The Amazing Race. I’d have a stroke in the first airport from the stress. But I do like to watch everyone else go crazy – it’s a fun show.

    The comfort zone questions was a little hard but only because it could be taken so many different ways. I totally understand now that I’ve seen Susie’s comment but I probably would have answered it the same way you did. My comfort zone is pretty much anywhere inside my home.

  7. Debi Said,

    Wasn’t quite sure what was meant by comfort zone either.
    Hope your head is feeling better!
    Have a great weekend!

  8. Dawn Said,

    i hear you loud & clear on the personal space thing!

  9. deb Said,

    Stacy, I hope you feel better soon!
    I think it’s kind of funny that most of the people that I’ve had time to visit today all said they wouldn’t be in a reality show but most of them love watching them on tv ;~)

  10. Raggedy Said,

    Great Friday Feast!
    My feast is served.
    Have a wonderful day!
    (“)_ (“)Å 

  11. Judi Said,

    I would not survive any reality show. But I think I could suffer through Take Home Chef. He rocks.

  12. rach Said,

    Sorry for the late visit. I’m glad that you didn’t have any serious illness during the winter. Having good health is really a blessing. We like similar colors. I also think of home as my number 1 comfort zone because I’m surrounded by my loved ones. It’s a place where I can be myself and I’m free to do as I want. Thanks for sharing your feast. Mine is served too.

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