Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Menu Plan Monday

Menu Planning Monday

{a day late because of the holiday – sorry about that!}

Laura over at OrgJunkie sponsors this great meme each week. I love planning menus or meal ideas for the week – it really helps with the grocery shopping (cuts down on impulse buying) and saves that frustration every afternoon of staring into the fridge or freezer thinking “what can I cook?” 🙂

Here we go:

Sunday – turkey burgers

Monday – Labor Day; we ate at my in-laws (chicken, potato salad, coleslaw, etc)

TuesdayBlack Bean & Cheese Enchiladas, pinto beans, Spanish Rice

Wednesday – our “light night” – either eggs, oatmeal and toast or else tomato soup and a sandwich (Yes, I’ve had tomato soup on the menu for the last couple of weeks, but we have yet to have any!)

Thursday – spaghetti with meatballs, steamed broccoli, homemade bread

FridayCrockpot Chicken Santa Fe

Saturday – Pizza

Sunday – TBD

  1. Gail Said,

    The Chicken Santa Fe is one of our favorite meals and we are probably having it this week as well!

  2. Laura Said,

    Hi Stacy,
    Don’t worry about being late, I’m just so happy you still participated. I’m going to print out your Chicken Santa Fe recipe. The recipes I posted this week I haven’t tried so I do hope they turn out. Take care, Laura

  3. Laura Said,

    That chicken thing sounds really good! Unfortunately the timing doesn’t seem like it would work for me. One of these days I’ll think about using a crockpot.

  4. Dawn P. Said,

    I looked at the crockpot chicken that looks so yummy we’re going to have to try that one 🙂

  5. deb Said,

    Your crockpot chicken recipe sounds good! I love using my crockpot…especially when the weather starts cooling off. I put some boneless chicken thighs with BBQ sauce in mine the other morning but when I got home from work, they were burned on top…yikes! I think I didn’t put enough liquid in. I may have to give your recipe a try this week. It’s so great having dinner ready when I get home in the evenings 🙂

  6. Bev Said,

    Does this mean that you don’t follow the meal plan religiously? 😉 Black beans twice in one week? Both sound delicious. Too bad I’ve already planned (kind of) our meals for a week or so.

    Have a great day!

  7. Tracie Said,

    Mmmmm….is six oclock a good time for me to come by each day for dinner? 🙂

  8. Jenny Said,

    That Crockpot Chicken Sante Fe recipe sounds great! I have a goal of using my crockpot at least once a week for the next month so I think I’ll try that one! Thanks!!


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