Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace


As busy we’ve been the last two days, I was hoping for a more “quiet” day today. 🙂 So far, my wish has been granted!

Saturday, we went out of town to visit my dad and Tim’s brother. My dad had some trouble with the plumbing a few weeks ago (I blogged briefly about it here), and we had moved his computer equipment from one room to another in his house. He had his carpet padding replaced and carpets cleaned, and was ready to have his computer stuff all moved back to its normal place. So, we went down to help him out. We had lunch with my dad (shrimp poboys from a local place, they are really good!), and then we helped him move his stuff. After that, we headed over to Tim’s brother’s house. Mark and Amanda had invited us to supper and to watch the USM game on TV. They had to get a box for the PPV, and ended up having trouble with the cable company. They never got it all setup, darn Comcast, and we ended up not being able to watch the game on TV. But, it all worked out fine, we listened to it on the radio, got to visit with them and the kids and we ate some really good food. Mark and Amanda fixed us what we like to call “game day food” 😀 Wings, sausage dogs, loaded fries, chips and dip, lots of good stuff. And we were definitely stuffed!

So Saturday was a good day, just busy. Today, I wanted to have a little down time, so we’ve been hanging out here some. We watched a movie that’s been on my rental list for a while on our new digital cable, “In Her Shoes”. Good movie, and I was so glad we found it and were able to tune in. Tim then downloaded an OnDemand movie about motorcross racing, which I didn’t watch. I did some laundry and started pulling stuff out for a garage sale. Then, late this afternoon, we contemplated going for a walk, but Tim wanted to hit golf balls. He really wanted to go play 18 holes, but he compromised and agreed to hit balls into his net out back. I worked out to several videos on our new exercise channel (more OnDemand stuff) and got in a good workout. Now, we’re going to grill some turkey burgers for supper and watch some football or another movie on TV. All in all, a really good day, and we’ve had a really good weekend so far. 🙂

  1. Suzanne Said,

    when’s your garage sale? at your house?

  2. TC Said,

    Sounds like a really good weekend!

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