Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Heading Out

We’re headed out again today, out of town for a short trip. We had wanted to go to more of the Saints training camps, but alas, all of their practices this weekend are closed to the public. They’re getting ready for their first preseason game next weekend, which we were very glad to see, will be shown on one of our local TV stations. 🙂

My dad called and needs some help moving his computer, so we’re headed south to his house to help out. He had a toilet overflow and soak a couple of rooms worth of carpet and padding. The service people are coming to start drying the padding and carpet, and he wants to move his computer out of the way and set it up in another part of the house for a while. So, since we’re the computer experts in the family, we are needed elsewhere today. 😆

Hope everyone has a great day!

  1. Suzanne Said,

    how does his carpet look? how’d it go?

  2. Bev Said,

    Safe trip. Did everything go all right? I’ll cross my fingers the carpets turn out okay.

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