Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Menu Plan Monday

Menu Planning Monday

Check out OrgJunkie‘s website for the specifics… in the mean time, here’s the plan for this week (plan being the optimum word!):

Sunday – we had hamburgers
Monday – Grilled Chicken Salad, grilled zucchini, homemade bread
TuesdayItalian Tortellini Stew, salad, homemade bread
Wednesday – Tomato soup, cheese toast (didn’t have this last week as planned)
Thursday – grilled chicken (Tim)/grilled salmon (Stacy), roasted sweet potatoes, homemade bread
Friday – tacos, refried beans, mexicorn
Saturday – eat out at NFL preseason game
Sunday – TBD

  1. Rebecca Said,

    That sounds great – and how good does that Italian Tortellini Stew sound?! It sounds like you’re going to have a great week.

  2. Gail Said,

    Monday…salmon, sesame green beans, salad
    Tuesday…Italian tortellini stew, bread (b/c I gotta copy my sis!)
    Wednesday….church supper
    Friday…..Crockpot Cranberry Chicken, veggies
    Sat/Sun……TBD, probably fish of some sort one of those days

  3. Laura Said,

    Thanks for the recipe. I’m printing it out right now. I love using my crockpot so I will definitely try this one!

  4. Mom2fur Said,

    I was going to ask you what TBD was. I thought it was some kind of soy protein thing. Duh. Now I get it…to be determined, right? And grilled cheese and tomato soup is a favorite of my kids!

  5. Sandra Said,

    Sounds like a great week of meals 🙂 Going to have to try that slow cooker one 🙂

  6. BillH Said,

    Man, what time is dinner on Thursday?! I’ll be there for grilled salmon!!! Well, maybe not – it’s a long ways from Iowa…

  7. Dianne Said,

    I’m on a sweet potato kick right now – how do you roast yours?

  8. Christy Said,

    Ooh, I’m glad you posted the recipe for the Tortellini Stew! I’m going to have to try that one. We are having Salmon Burgers for the first time tonight. I’ve never made them before, so it should be interesting! If they’re good, I’ll post the recipe next week 🙂


  9. paperback writer Said,

    Sunday: Pasta – our roommate made it and he’s not the foodie that we are.

    Monday: Barbeque chicken with noodles – not my best so far, the barbeque wasn’t what I expected.

    Tuesday: Spaghetti – my mother-in-law’s which means it’s not going to be spicy…more like sweet and sour. *sigh*

    Wednesday: Tuna Noodle Casserole – easy to make

    Thursday: No clue

    Friday: No clue

    Saturday: No clue

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