Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Monday Madness Meme

Monday Madness Meme

Good Monday to everyone! Now, for this week’s questions…. and thanks for playing!

1. What is your favorite framed object in your house? Probably the wedding picture of us, that sits on the corner of my dresser in our bedroom.
2. If you had a choice of being a carnivore or a herbivore, which one would you be, and why? I don’t know if I could pick… I wouldn’t want to eat just meat or just veggies. I’d get too tired of either one without some variety
3. Who do you think should have won the FIFA World Cup? Or, don’t you care? Not into World Cup at all here… we’re impatiently waiting on NFL season to start :mrgreen:
4. What’s your feelings on stormy weather? Love it. I love grey days, rainy days, stormy days, bad weather. It doesn’t bother me usually. The only time I’ve ever had problems with weather was during Hurricane Katrina last August. The sound of the wind after several hours really got to me
5. Do you believe in “time out” chairs? We don’t have kids, so we’ve never done “time out”. I believe in firm discipline for kids, but not sure I would have used the time out idea if we had been able to have children
6. Have you ever bought or sold anything on Ebay? Nope, have mightily resisted thus far:lol:

  1. Becca Said,

    Monday Madness…hey where is that from….thanks for stopping by…we did not have the twins yet but I go to the doctor this morning to find out what the plan is going to be!!!!

    Check out my site later this week as I am sure we will have the babies and get some pictures up and posted!!!!


  2. Dawn Said,

    i’m with you on that! what is this “World Cup” claiming to be “football”?? 😉 gimme some NFL!!

  3. PixiePincessMom Said,

    1. My fav framed thing is our family vacation picture taken 2 years ago.

    2. I agree sometimes I think I could just eat veggies & then I crave a good steak.

    3. HECK YEAH! I’m ready for some FOOTBALL!!! Doesn’t pre-season start next month?? Must look into that!

    4. Not really bad storms but I do love to watch them.

    5. Yes, but they are only as good as the parent makes them.

    6. Too much! LOL! I’m currently waiting to bid on a Tinkerbell backpack w/matching lunchbox for my daughter. Heck of a lot cheaper than at the Disney store!

    That was fun! 🙂

  4. Dawn P. Said,

    I have to ask, State or Ole Miss??? 🙂

    Can you believe it’s almost been a year since Katrina? I don’t like bad weather, love rain, just not the wind. I didn’t know my trees could bend like they did during Katrina.

    Yikes! Have you got rain yet??

  5. Trista Said,

    You know me, the shutterbug. My favorite pic that is not framed, is set as my wallpaper. It is of hubby, Cory, and Jennifer sitting in a field of bluebonnets. Sadly, it was so dry this year that the bluebonnets did not bloom at all in our area.
    I too like to mix up my foods. I need variety!

    Have a good week!

  6. Debi Said,

    Ooh, yes, I like the NFL! I wish the season was longer. DH likes baseball and hockey, as well as NFL, so he usually has something to watch.

  7. Sindee Said,

    Hi Stacy!
    Thanks for stopping by. We are actually having more thundershowers tonight. My grass is loving it! lol
    I love watching the birds. It helps me relax.
    There are some more babies in our backyard in our bluebird house.
    Seems the bluebirds never get to it before some other birds nest there.
    Anyway, I heard them peeping the other day. I really don’t know how they survive with all the hot weather we have.
    Hope you have a good evening! 🙂

  8. Susie Said,

    I can’t even imagine what it would have been like to even have been on the outskirts of Hurricane Katrina. Gives me chills just thinking about it. Although I’m completely awed by their power, I hope this year’s hurricane season is much quieter.

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