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Please note the reference to “Iâ€? – this means movies I want to rent and watch, not necessarily my better half. I have a whole other list for him, including several that I would rather not watch. I don’t really like movies that are overly violent (Lord of War, movies like that come to mind) or with too much bad language. I just like your basic, girlie, chick flick! Some of these are older, and I’ve just never gotten around to renting them! In no particular order… 1. Finding Neverland P.S. Thanks to Mood Swing Creations, where I snagged this banner. Lots of cute ones there 🙂 Links to other Thursday Thirteens! |
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
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i just now got mine up! 11 & 13 are on my list too. and i *just* watched The Perfect Man about 2 weeks ago! =)
Great list of movies! I love “In her shoes”.
I’ve seen 1,4, & 5!
good list!
Finding Neverland and Walk the Line are both very good, if kind of sad too. I tend to like movies that are a little sad. We just watched the first disc of the Medium, which I liked a lot but obviously it’s not a movie…
My TT are up.
All great movies!! Enjoy!! My fave would be #10, but that’s because I’m in love with Mark Ruffalo!! 🙂
Very nice list! I loved In Her Shoes. I expected to be disappointed because I had read the book, but the movie was actually quite good – almost measured up. Enjoy!
Thanks for the visit!
Short of looking at matthew m for two hours, I can tell you to skip Failure to Launch. But then, there’s something to watching just him for a while. 🙂
I have seen # 4,5,9,10,11 and I especially loved Rumor Has It!!!! I really like Jennifer Aniston and I thought it was a great movie!
stacy, I have watched almost all except for 11-13. =)
thanks for visiting mine @ http://ivan-ulrich.blogspot.com/.
Great list of movies! I’d like to see 7,8 and 10. I did get to see Monster-In-Law, it was Hilarious, Love Wanda Sykes, J Lo was pretty good too. Thanks for stopping by my TT! Have a great weekend.
Ooo, thanks for the movie ideas ;). Have a great Thursday!
Gosh, I’ve never heard of any of those movies lol. I need to get out more! :=)
I’ve had “In Her Shoes” sitting on my desk in it’s Netflix envelope for at least a month. Someday, I’ll get to watch movies again! I’m not sure when, but someday! lol
I’ve seen Finding Neverland (beautiful!), Cheaper By the Dozen 2 (cute), and the Prince & Me 2 (cute). I still want to see Walk the Line.
Great list! I like chick flicks too. 🙂
Thank you for visiting my list!
I’ve not seen 6,8 or 13 but have seen the rest. DH and DS going camping once a month with the scouts and so my DDs and I tend to catch up on chick flicks then;-) Finding Neverland was very good but sad….love Johnny Depp in just about anything! In Her Shoes will make you laugh and cry….not really for kids though. If you haven’t seen Just Like Heaven with Reese Witherspoon it’s a perfect combination of love, laughter and tears;-) Happy viewing!
Thanks for visiting my TT. We vacation in Maine quite often.
I am wanting to see Memories of a Geshia too. ekk – reading your blog I realized that I missed Treasure Hunters. I will have to catch it next time.
#1 – A wonderful movie; loved it!
#4 – Another good one.
#9 – This was a funny one.
And there ya have it; I’ve only seen those three out of your list. I’d like to see #’s 2, 3, 6, 8, 10, 11, and 12, too. I highly recommend Finding Neverland, though.
Have a grand Thursday! 🙂
P.S. My hubby wrote up our T13 today.
I’ve only seen Memoirs of those. I really enjoyed it, and I did read the book first.
I think we have 10 out of 13 of those movies at home but I haven’t seen any of them. Too bad you don’t live nearby, you could have just borrowed them from me! I did read In Her Shoes, though. Great book!
Interesting T13 list you’ve got here, and thanks for stopping by mine earlier.
I think your husband’s list would probably have more on it that I’ve seen than yours has … not that there’s anything wrong with that. 🙂
The ones I’ve watched from the list are, Memoirs of a Geisha, Prince & Me and Monster in law, others I havent watch as well, now I’m interested in renting the dvd, thanks for sharing!!!
Thanks for your sweet comment on my TT, Have a wonderfull day!
I haven’t seen any of them, so I am no help there, but I bet Monster in Law is funny…just the title makes me LOL!
Thanks for visiting my TT!
Love #1 and #6 too. We just finished listening to #12 on audio tape – it’s a great story! Thanks for visiting my T-13
You picked some very good movies to see! My favorites were:
Finding Neverland
Walk the Line
Yours, Mine and Ours
And my very favorite, Memoirs of a Geisha
Happy movie watching!
I love your list. I want to see a few of those too. Especially Faliure To Launch and the Family Stone. I love SJP. Thanks for sharing. My T13 is up.
I’ve been wanting to see Memoirs, too…the previews looked so lush and beautiful. I hope you let us know if you like these movies once you’ve seen them!
I have seen #4, 9, and 13. #5, 11, and 12 are in my Queue at Blockbuster.com so I’ll be getting them in the mail eventually. Thanks for visiting me today 🙂
I’ve seen 2-3-7-8-9-10 and loved them.
Yes I am from Utica, MS. Now I’m wondering if I know you guys:) I grew up there and my family still lives there.
I got the Family Stone from Netflix. It was really good, but my husband didn’t like it because he was expecting a comedy and its not really one. It was originally meant to be an indie film, but because it ended up with such an all star cast a studio picked it up.
Thanks for stopping by my TT.
I’ve seen “Yours mine & ours” Its really good. I want to watch “Cheaper by the Dozen”. The previews look hilarious!
Thanks for visiting my TT!
Wow I guess I should see these too – the only one I HAVE seen is #11. Very cute movie!!!!
The Family Stone, I just watched and at first I thought the family was a bunch of a**holes, but it has a good outcome, it’s pretty good!
Finding Neverland I thought was awesome. And Monster-in-Law was a great laugh. 🙂
Hi there, thanks for visiting. What a great movie list. I can’t believe I haven’t seen one of these movies. How lame am I? I need to see more movies, I’ve just been so out of it lately. I almost picked up Finding Neverland this week so it’s on my list. Time to go to Blockbuster!
Toodles, Maryanne
I love 3, 5, 7 too! Basically any ‘feel good’ movies. Thanks for stopping by and happy thursday!
I want to see “In Her Shoes” and “The Family Stone” too. I’ve seen “Finding Neverland” and it was good, in fact my daughter bought it.
Thanks for stopping by my TT. Have a wonderful evening. Be Well..
Walk the Line was one of the best movies I ever saw!! We’ve also seen and enjoyed Finding Neverland and Failure to Launch. You’ll have to tell us how the Prince and Me one was…I’ve thought about renting it a few times.
Thanks for visiting my site:)
Stacy, if you’re anything like me, #12 will make you bawl your eyes out. 🙂 There’s just nothing like a good movie with a sweet dog as the main star!
Thanks for visiting my blog today! I’ve seen #1,4,6,7, 9 and 12 and they are all worth it!
I would love to see #1, 6, 11 & 13. I’ve seen most of the others on your list. All pretty good. Didn’t know Prince & Me had a part 2…… same actors & such?? Might have to look into that.
Thanks for stopping by my TT! Have an awesome day! 🙂
I’ve seen a few on your list…plan on reading Memoirs of a Geisha this summer
thanks for stopping by
I’ve seen a few but most of them I wanna rent too this summer 🙂 Great list
The only one of those I’ve seen is “The Family Stone,” and it was much better than I thought it would be. Have hankies ready, though!
i have to see #13 too
I love Walk the Line- we don’t do too many chick flicks- I’m over ruled by testosterone around here!
walk the line was sooo good!
This is a great list of movies. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed. I really liked “In Her Shoes.” It was a great chick flick.
1. Finding Neverland – Watched it.
2. In Her Shoes – Not watched it.
3. The Perfect Man – Not watched it.
4. Walk the Line – Pretty good but leaves out a lot about Jhonny Cash – his life was so much more.
5. Yours, Mine and Ours – Watched it.
6. Memoirs of a Geisha- Not watched it.
7. Cheaper by the Dozen 2 – Not watched it.
8. The Prince & Me 2 – Not watched it.
9. Monster-in-Law- Not watched it.
10. Rumor Has It – Not watched it.
11. The Family Stone – Not watched it.
12. Because of Winn-Dixie – Not watched it.
13. Failure to Launch (released later this summer) – Not watched it.
So, you aren’t a lone in not seeing most of these:)
Okay, Finding Neverland is incredible. INCREDIBLE!!!!
ahhhhh…. “Because of Winn Dixie” has been watched at least 300 times in my house!! I have 3 1/2 year old twin daughters and that is their FAVORITE!!! I just got my Thursday 13 up… come visit!!
We have similar taste in movies…Rumor Has It is way cute…so is Failure To Launch and Family Stone…heck, they are all really good!
Thanks for stopping by my TT!
That is just like a list of movies that I have watched-own-or want to watch.
Happy movie renting!
My TT is up!
I just saw Failure to Launch. Cute movie! I am a big fan of the Love Comes Softly books by Jannette Oke. I read them all and I’ve seen the first three movies. The books and the movies differ some but both are excellent. I am waiting for movie number 4 to come out!
Do you know that I have not watched any of those movies? Wow…that’s weird!
Great movies! I would like to see The Prince & Me 2, but I always have a hard time with sequels that don’t have the same lead characters. Kinda makes me wonder if the movie was worth making in the first place if they can’t get the original to sign back on, you know?
Walk the Line is a great film. One of my favorites. I also enjoyed Memoirs of a Geisha, but it doesn’t follow the book exactly. If you haven’t read the book, check it out before you watch the movie.
I loved Finding Neverland (what Depp movie DON’T I like???) and Walk the Line…enjoy!
Thanks for the birthday wishes and for visiting me yesterday 🙂
Our blockbuster had a big sale of VHS movies and the Winn Dixie one was there for $2.99..still haven’t seen it, but I plan to in the next week or two. Also Napoleon Dynamite.
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