Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Thursday Thirteen Meme

My first time to play this meme… hope I ‘m doing it correctly!

Thirteen Things I Need to be Doing Today Instead of Blogging

1. Thursdays are bread making days, have to make the bread and let it rise

2. The kitchen stove needs cleaning… it’s very icky

3. The flowers and plants all need watering. It’s in the 90’s regularly here now, and my pots dry out quickly!

4. Actually, the grass needs watering too. I really hate setting out and moving the sprinklers around πŸ™‚

5. I need to fill up the bird feeders while I’m outside. We have hungry birds here

6. There’s always laundry to be done (but I’d rather blog or blog surf)

7. Father’s Day gifts need to be wrapped… running out of time!

8. Must mail other Father’s Day card to the dad we won’t get to see this Sunday

9. I need to go through my coupons and pull out the ones I will need when I hit the grocery store this afternoon

10. Ah, yes, grocery shopping today

11. Then there’s the items that need to be returned to Target

12. Really should work on decluttering some closets

13. And the biggie, that I keep putting off, starting to declutter the office. It’s a huge, giant, messy nightmare. I definitely think I’ll keep putting that one off!

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. ItÒ€ℒs easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

  1. carmen Said,

    Looks like you did it right to me. Welcome. πŸ™‚ Hope you get all that stuff done, anyway.

  2. Wenchy Said,

    That reminds … it’s father’s day!

  3. Christina Said,

    Thanks for visiting my T13 πŸ˜€ I have so many things that I need to be doing today (the first of which is schoolwork – UGH). I haven’t baked bread in such a long time, but I want to. what a relaxing thing to do! And I haven’t even given Father’s Day a first thought yet. All the Father’s Day themed T13s today are getting me motivated though…

  4. mary Said,

    Um, can almost smell that bread baking. Been a long, long time since I made any. My second TT is located here: http://www.alyceclover.blogspot.com

  5. mama kelly Said,

    welcome to the THursday THirteen family

    I dont even want to try and list everything I need to do

  6. Dawn Said,

    hey! you played! i just got mine up. =) and i am with you–too much pull from the blogosphere to do…work…LOL!

  7. Debbie Said,

    Oh just ignore all that and blog. Or as I do it. For every thing I get done on my list I blog for 1 hour. I get a few things done every day!!

    Great list even if there is way too much to be done IMHO!! Thanks for stopping by my T13 in your busy day!!

  8. Janet Said,

    welcome to the T13, good list! I need to do some organizing too, but I’m wicked bad at it…

    Thanks for visiting!

  9. Lisa Said,

    Thanks for visiting and I agree with a commenter upthread – I don’t even want to list what I should be doing today! πŸ™‚ Hence, my imaginary dinner party.

    I really like your blog layout. Clean and easy to navigate.

    Have a good Thursday!


  10. Sherri Said,

    mmm fresh bread baking:)

    …thanks for stopping by my site and saying those sweet encouraging things:)

    oh, and welcome to you on your first TT!

  11. Susie Said,

    Oh yay! I always hoped you’d start doing this meme! πŸ™‚

    Best of luck with getting that stuff done. Isn’t blogging much more fun? (heheh…I’m a poet and didn’t know it!)

  12. Becki Said,

    Well at least you only have Father’s Day gifts to wrap heck i still gotta shop for them -lol oops… Happy thursday

  13. Skittles Said,

    Hello!!! Thanks for visiting my blog today. You sound like you have a very busy day coming. πŸ˜‰ To answer your question, I got the header from the Thursday 13 blog. There is like 6 pages of different headers to choose from.

    You did a great first TT. Congrats!!!!

  14. Wystful1 Said,

    Isn’t grocery shopping a big bore? (PS…the moss rose picture below this post is absolutely gorgeous!!!)

    My Thurs 13 is posted

  15. southernfriedgirl Said,

    That is one heck of a busy day. Lordy, now I’m tired.

  16. mar Said,

    Busy, busy. One thing I don’t have to worry about is father’s day: it was already on March 19 (St Joseph’s) in Spain. But I should do my kitchen and closets…tomorrow! happy TT!

  17. Tracie Said,

    Whew you are busy!! Do you really make bread every Thursday? I have one of those bread making machines that I am dying to use but never have.

    I think your first TT is great……and I am glad to be introduced to the other person I saw sneaking around *borrowing* (read that “stealing!”) ideas for future weeks!

    Now I have been reminded that I need to go look into Father’s day gifts becuase I don’t think that whole I decided to celebrate Father’s Day in July when things are less hectic excuse will go over too well!

  18. PixiePincessMom Said,

    I’m soooooo with you on having to move the water sprinklers. One of these days I dream of having a sprinkler system. I waste a morning on watering the lawn alone!

  19. Amy Said,

    You did wonderful! Thank you so much for visiting mine! There are way too many things to list that I should be doing instead of blogging πŸ™‚

  20. Vicki Said,

    lol, I am not even thinking of my list of things to do…
    It is hot here and the flowers pots need regular watering too.

  21. Aginoth Said,

    congrats on the first TT.

    We make bread at home too, much nicer than shop bought.

    thx for coming by my TT :o)

  22. Roscoe Said,

    Mmm… fresh baked bread! Now I’m really getting hungry!

    Nice T13 list, Stacy, and thanks for stopping by mine earlier. πŸ™‚

  23. Anele Said,

    Thank you for stopping by!
    When is father’s day?
    Here in Brazil it’s in August.

  24. kontan Said,

    yummy, homemade bread! I would rather do just about anything other than laundry.

    Thanks for stopping by

  25. Norma Said,

    I’m feeling hot and sticky.

    Thanks for visiting my TT.

  26. Sarah Said,

    Thanks for visiting mine… there is SO much I don’t get done because I’m online. In particular things involving the litterbox and dishes. πŸ˜›

  27. Kailani Said,

    At least you’ve bought a Father’s Day gift. I still have to do that.

    Thanks for visiting The Pink Diary.

  28. catherine Said,

    Wow. You get a lot done. I decluttered my office during spring break. It’s a wonderful feeling.
    Your photos look great. I was really impressed with your bird pictures, especially considering your camera… and through the window! They look better than the ones I took with a 200 nikon zoom lense!!!!

    Thanks for stopping by. I enjoyed finding your site and exploring all the books you read!!!!!

  29. goofy girl Said,

    Yum on the bread!!

    I hate cleaning and laundry too, I put blogging before it!

  30. Susan Said,

    I love this list. You know, blogging can be addictive and stand in the way of other to-do’s…but don’t you feel better for having posted?????

    My TT is up here.

  31. Christine Said,

    I love the smell of fresh homemade bread.I do the same with this computer desk, and my daughter’s closet…I always say I’ll get it done tomorrow!Enjoy your bread, and your Thursday.Thanks for stopping by me TT!

  32. colleen Said,

    well it looks like you got the hang of it.

  33. Jen Said,

    Man, do you live at my house? With the exception of the bread, that really could be my list!

    Thanks for stopping by!

  34. KarenW Said,

    This was my first Thursday 13 too!

  35. Tanya Said,

    Wow – that’s a huge list. I need to do a lot of that stuff too. But it never ends. If only you had to clean the kitchen once and it would stay that way forever. Oh, that would be lovely.

    Thanks for visiting my TT. Happy Thursday.

  36. Maribeth Said,

    I love to bake bread. Years ago I baked all of our bread due to my daughter’s allergies. Now it’s just Hubby an dme, so I am too lazy.

  37. the Schooligan Said,

    Don’t you feel that listing the things you have to do counts toward doing them? Especially the ones that you really hate doing. πŸ™‚

  38. Ocean Lady Said,

    I need to declutter some closets too! And water some of the plants that my cat keeps urinating on. I hope you have a great weekend! πŸ™‚

  39. deb Said,

    I didn’t realize you made your own bread! I’m impressed!

  40. Ficklechick Said,

    Only 13 things you’re putting off? Pfft, that’s nothing! πŸ˜‰

  41. Shash Said,

    We are SO alike, you and me…it’s scary! But so cool!

    Thanks for stopping by and saying hello!


  42. angela Said,

    I have made lists and lists and lists like this…sometimes the stuff gets done…:-) Good luck with yours…

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