Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace


OK, no cute kids or pets, so here’s some more flower pictures 🙄

My moss rose are blooming up a storm!! :mrgreen:

Moss Rose Blooming

As are the periwinkles in an old planter on the fence… they also have some moss rose and purslane popping up in the corners as well:

Periwinkles on the Fence Planter

The marigolds out front are starting to show good from the sidewalk/street, but up close, you can see that a few spots still need to be filled in. But they add some really nice bright color up front:

Marigolds in front

  1. mary Said,

    Beautiful flowers, great photo taking skills. Love the birds, down below! That fence looks like my daughter & son-in-laws, the one I stained for them last fall. It was suppossed to be to keep cats in the yard. So much for truth in advertising~they still manage to scale it, and it most definitely doesn’t keep the squirrels out.

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