Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Climbing Rose

Tim and I bought our first climbing rose last year, and planted it on the back fence. He even built a custom trellis that attaches to our fence, to give it more space to grow up and on.

Well, me not having a green thumb, I didn’t know when or how to prune this bush. So, as I do my other spring flowering shrubs, I pruned it in the winter, before it would bloom in the spring. Which was apparently ok, but I pruned it a little much. It is blooming up a storm, and has been for several weeks, but it’s not very big. In fact, it’s about the same size as it was last year when we bought it at Lowe’s. However, it had already bloomed last year, and I didn’t know what the buds and blooms looked like. This year, I’ve really been enjoying watching it bloom, the small roses are so pretty and delicate and yellow!

Next year, I’ll have to be sure to not prune it, and give it a chance to grow up on the fence like we’d like. I just hope that won’t affect its blooming next spring. Apparently, this type of climbing vine only blooms once, for about 4-6 weeks in the spring. It’s so pretty though, these pictures don’t do it justice!

Climbing Roses

P.S. If you’d like to see the individual photos larger, some of them are on my Flickr album. Just check out the sidebar and click on the Flickr image and then you can scroll through my album (mostly pictures of flowers, birds and squirrels!) and find the larger pictures of my Lady Banks climbing rose. 🙂

  1. Liz Said,

    Beautiful roses! I love love love roses more than I ever thought I would. We have one big rose bush in our new yard and I need to investigate how to care for it. My grandfather has had the best luck with climbing roses from Spring Hill which is a mail order company online… you should check it out… they have some great prices and sales! Now that I’ve seen your climbing rose, I’ve got to get some of my own. 🙂

  2. gail Said,

    check that garden book like we both have to see if it has any info in there about how to care for them. I listened to a garden show on the radio Saturday and I think some of the call in questions were about roses, but I didn’t pay attention to that part because I don’t have any! sorry

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