Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Poor Tim

Well, it was another long night. Poor Tim. He’s half sick and is on-call and keeps getting called out in the middle of the night. I honestly don’t know how he does it. He is in the middle of a deep sleep at 3 in the morning, the on-call phone rings, he jumps up and starts working. His throat was so sore, he could barely talk. Poor thing. We slept in, needless to say, this morning so he could get a little more sleep before heading into work.

As the old story goes, there’s good news and bad news. The good news is that technically he goes off-call today, for another two weeks. However, he told me this morning that his boss has guard duty this weekend, so Tim would more than likely get called anyway. Plus, he’s been warning me for weeks that they have been in sort of a “code-freeze”. They haven’t been putting in much new code on Tuesday nights at 11 PM since the holidays. Now, it seems, they are going to put in a whole bunch at one time. Tim said that starting next week, he would be working almost every single night, starting about 11 PM or so, to put in new code. I said, is it just for a few days? No, he said, it’s going to take at least a couple of weeks, maybe more. Poor thing, he is not going to keep a normal schedule for a while longer yet.

So – the moral of the story here is, for those of you reading this who might be tempted to call early in the morning any time soon… Please Don’t. Call after lunch! We’d both really appreciate it!


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