Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace


We’ve had a woodpecker or two hanging around our house and bird feeder for the last couple of months. I knew we had a woodpecker, because sometimes I would hear him up on our metal chimney cap, pecking away and sounding like a jackhammer, hitting the metal cap. Then, I started noticing a really large, really odd looking bird on my bird seed feeder. He’s much bigger than the cardinals that get on there (which are bigger than the normal visitors -sparrows, or the chickadees or wrens). This bird has a red head, so I got on the Internet and searched for “red headed woodpecker”. Come to find out, he’s called a “red-bellied” woodpecker. You can read about him here or here.

Or, you can check him out here… after several weeks of trying to get a shot of him from inside the house, I finally got one. It’s hard to get a decent shot on full zoom, from inside, with the screens we have on our windows. Also hard to get a photo of most of these birds, because they see movement inside the house and fly off before I can get my camera and get it set up. My patience was finally rewarded yesterday, and I took this picture of my male, red-bellied woodpecker:

Red Bellied Woodpecker

Handsome devil, you think? Not. I think he’s sort of ugly but I’m glad to have finally gotten his picture after so much effort 🙄

  1. Suzanne Said,

    very handsome, good thing you don’t live in a log cabin…….

  2. Elizabeth Said,

    cool bird. bet it’s annoying though. all that noise.

  3. Gail Said,

    Yeah, Elizabeth hates noise of that sort!
    I’m surprised that bird wasn’t on the bird chart I gave you, I thought I had seen it on there but maybe not.
    We had a woodpecker in one of our trees the other day when we were working out in the yard.

  4. Project 365 » Day 102 Said,

    […] I was sitting in my favorite chair this afternoon, by a window looking out into my backyard, when I heard a familiar sound.  We have a red bellied woodpecker that lives in the trees behind our house.  I’ve posted about him before, way back in March 2006 at my regular blog (check it out here).  I thought I would try to grab my camera and get a picture of him.  I’m afraid the picture I took a year ago is better, but hey, whatever.  He has a very distinctive sound, and he loves to come grab a bite to eat in the afternoon at one of our seed bird feeders.  He’s very skittish, so I have a hard time getting a picture of him.  And, with all pictures I try to take from inside my house looking out, I always seem to get more of the screens on the window than anything else.  But, anyway, you get the idea!  (If you’re really interested in this red-headed guy, you can check out my original blog post, which also had a link to this bird website here, where you can see pictures of him and hear his bird call). […]

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