Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Update on Tile Project

Tim and I started our ceramic tile project last fall, and got almost all of the rooms done that we set out to replace. We had one final room to do this year, our master bathroom (a small room), and we ripped out the vinyl a few weeks ago (I blogged about it here). We’ve sort of taken a hiatus since then. Mostly, because neither of us is very pumped up about resuming this kind of work. Tim has moved on to golf, and I don’t enjoy one iota of the process of laying tile.

However, Tim sucked it up last night and resumed the project, and got most of the tile cut and laid in our bathroom. I didn’t help him much, this room is so small, so there’s really not enough room for both of us to get in there and work. So, instead, I worked on our taxes. Like I told Tim, we were both working on getting those monkeys off our back, those annoying things we don’t want to do, but know we need to.

Click on the extended entry to see pictures from yesterday’s work…

OK, in case any of you have forgotten the process from before, you have to mix up some mortar cement stuff to put down and press the tiles into:

Mortar for laying tile

Laying tile

He got almost the entire room done, except for one final row in the doorway. He ran out of cement, so he’ll have to mix up another batch (I do help with this, with my little mask on, the stuff is toxic in powder form). He also has to cut the rest of these tiles, so he has a bit more to do. After all of this sets, it will be time to grout, let the grout set and cure, then we’ll have to seal it. So, look for more updates in the next few days and week!

The final picture from last night’s work:

Tile in the Bathroom

  1. Ficklechick Said,

    Looks great! I can’t believe you guys do that yourselves!!! It looks like hard work!

  2. Amanda Said,

    WOW!!!! Good work Tim!!!! That is going to look so nice!

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