Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace


As a follow-up to this post, I took a couple more pictures of our Bradford Pear tree in the back yard. It’s starting to bloom and hence, it’s starting to smell a bit! When we go walking our subdivision, we really smell the Bradford Pears blooming; they have a very distinct smell.

Anyway, Tim commented recently that the tree was looking kinda white and so I grabbed my camera and took a couple of shots:

{click -more- to see the pics}

Looking up at the tree from my deck:

Bradford Pear

Close-up of blooms:

Bradford pear blooms

  1. Gail Said,

    Nice! Last time we had a big storm come through here, most of the Bradford Pear trees in our town split in half! I didn’t realize they would do that. I think it was when the remnants of Katrina hit here, so pretty big winds I suppose.

  2. Dawn Said,

    i love the first blossoms on a tree! our orange trees (well not OURS lol but the groves that border our neighborhood) are blossoming now & it smells HEAVENLY. it’s too bad that there’s so much construction going on around me kicking up dust because i soooo want my windows open to let that yumminess in. i wish i could bottle it & smell it all year long.

    btw, love the new Spring-y look in here! your comment box is way down at the bottom of the screen again lke when you switched templates the last time. in case you didn’t know. 😉

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