Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Blue Skies and Buds

I went outside a few minutes ago to try to get some pictures of the birds that are at my bird feeder. Lots of them! I can see them from inside the house, and have tried to take pictures before from inside, but we have mesh screens on our windows, so those are messing up the pictures. Anyway, wouldn’t you know it – as soon as I go sit quietly outside, the birds all leave and won’t come back. Not a single one flew anywhere near our backyard while I was outside.

So, I took a couple of different pictures instead. Pretty spring day today, in the low 70’s, a nice breeze blowing, and pretty blue skies:

Blue Skies

And, I noticed that even though it’s not yet March 1, my Bradford pear tree is starting to bloom and one flower bud had even popped out. Soon, it will be a riot of white blooms:

First Bloom on Bradford Pear tree

  1. Ficklechick Said,

    Pretty photos!

  2. Elizabeth Said,

    I know. It felt wonderful today. I want it to stay that way. I’m so ready for spring.

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