Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace


Here’s a freebie for the day – I discovered yesterday a new music site online, one devoted to classical music. The website is www.eclassical.com. At the very bottom, you can scroll down and download a free mp3 – classical of course.

I’ve been collecting some classical music lately to have on my iPod. Sometimes I want to listen to something quiet and soothing in the background, while I read. Sometimes, I have to have it on to drown out the loud TV or other sound distractions that keep me from being able to read (I read best if it’s quiet, but if it’s loud, sometimes having soothing classical music in my ear will help me concentrate). Anyway, Gail and I have been ripping and collecting some classical music. Hence, the discovery of this website.

Check it out, if you’re interested in classical tunes. I love freebies!

  1. Gail Said,

    I am enjoying my ipod, but some days, it gets the better of me! Still learning how to use it! And how to get a lot of David’s music off of it!

  2. Amanda Said,

    I have a few really good Classical Music cd’s. I’ll try to put them out there in the next few days for you. I love classical music. The violin is one of my favorite instruments. I love to listen to classical music and concentrate on the different insturments. I like to concentrate on a particular instrument and then the next time I hear the song, concentrate on a different instrument, the song will sometimes sound really different. I wish that I knew how to play an instrument.

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