Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

Posted by Stace

It Has Begun

Let football season, at least in our household, commence.

For those of you who know us personally, you know how important football season is to Tim, now by virtue of proximity, to me. :mrgreen: Actually, in the 10 years that we have been together, I have actually come to really love and enjoy football. Of course, I’m not in the same stratosphere that Tim is, but still, I am not a football widow; I’m a willing participant.

I don’t, however, get as excited about preseason as Tim does. The Saints training camp started yesterday, so it has all begun for Tim. He pulled out an old Saints tape last night and started watching old games. This is something he does every year, as he gets back into his football mindset. I think he’s a great armchair quarterback/coach. From the amount of tapes he watches in preseason, as well as repeatedly during the week of the actual season, he ought to be! haha, just kidding sweetheart πŸ˜€

Tim is actually a little behind schedule this year. He normally starts watching his tapes earlier in the summer, usually a couple of weeks or more before the preseason starts. He’s been busier at work and working on Hambones more at night this year, and he’s behind schedule. Poor baby. He has been reading all of his football magazines though. We buy all of those in early June, and he devours them in the weeks leading up to preseason.

Anyway – it has begun. Let football season commence. Hip-hip hoorah!

Posted by Stace


Well, I blogged yesterday about trudging back and forth to the mailbox to look for my pictures from Snapfish. Color me stupid. The email said UPS not USPS. Duh. πŸ˜€ Tim found a small box on the front porch yesterday when he came in from work. Which is doubly weird, because I thought UPS or FedEx was supposed to ring the doorbell when they made a package dropoff. I was home from about 2:30 PM on and never heard the bell ring. Oh well, they’re here now!

We opened up the box and it had 3 paper envelopes stuffed to the gills with my 160 pictures from our DC trip. Tim was very happy with them, but I wasn’t quite as satisfied. Of course, my standards for photos are a lot higher than his. I will say that they are not as vibrant and crisp as I would like, but I think that is because I ordered matte finish and not glossy. Glossy prints are always a lot more colorful to me. I will say that I think they are comparable to the matte photos I have had developed at Walmart and Sam’s Club – which is where I normally get my digital photos printed. But at 12 cents a print (before shipping costs), they are cheaper than either of those places. So I guess I’m satisfied!

The only thing that bugged me about the shipment was that they were totally out of order. I uploaded them in order, and they came in 3 envelopes and all mixed up. Some photos of the Capitol were in each envelope, Mount Vernon pics in different envelopes, that kind of thing. So, it will take me some time to go back through and sort them, and get them back in order – grouped together by day and event. Which I have to do in order to sit down and try to plan out my scrapbook pages. πŸ˜€

Posted by Stace

I Miss Them

Gail sent me some pictures to post on Hambones (look in Grayson and Ava Clair’s photo album for some of them when they stayed for a week at Gail’s with Shanna, in late June). They’re so cute! Grayson looks like he had so much fun in the pool with Don!

She also sent me two from Alan Barger’s rehearsal and wedding (and those are in Gail’s misc album on Hambones). Looking at this picture really makes me miss my nieces and nephews… I soooo wish they lived closer and we could see them more often. Sniff Sniff. Trent and Shanna, and Kathryn and Jermey — we miss you guys terribly! πŸ˜₯

Trent, Shanna, Kathryn and Jeremy

Posted by Stace

Shopping with Fred

Dad drove up from Hattiesburg today to “hang out” with me. Hanging out with your 82 year old father is actually not too bad! We went to Roadhouse Grill and had lunch with Tim, then to Sam’s. He just left going back towards home, with a couple of stops along the way.

Not much else going on… I can’t think of a single interesting thing to blog about. What’s up with that? Send ideas please.

I’m still waiting patiently (NOT) for my Snapfish order to arrive in the mail. I waddle out to the mailbox every afternoon to look inside and hope that my 160 pictures from our vacation are sitting there waiting on me. For two days in a row I have been heartbroken and disappointed. When oh when will they arrive? How will they look? Will I be kicking myself that I ordered all my prints from this trip from there, rather than giving them a quick test with just a few pictures. Oh woe is me.

Updated Programming Note: Tim is going to be off tomorrow; not sure what we will be doing. Something fun and exciting, I’m sure! Tune in later for more details! πŸ˜€

Posted by Stace

Sniff, Sniff, I wanna be a geek

{big sigh} I thought I was more of a Geek than this

My computer geek score is greater than 37% of all people in the world! How do you compare? Click here to find out!

I need for Tim to take this, I KNOW he will blow me out of the water!

Posted by Stace

Chicken Soup – Good for the Soul

I wasn’t feeling very good yesterday. Nothing specific, just the icks and general lethargy. I made a thai chicken dish that was good, but I didn’t even feel like eating. You know when I leave half my food on my plate, something is wrong!

I think I might have just needed some homemade chicken soup! I already had this on the menu and we just finished eating it. It tasted so good to me! πŸ™‚ You can check out the recipe here on Hambones. Be sure to read my notes, I made some changes this time and it was better to me. I think it was just what I needed, I feel better already!

Not sure what we are going to do tonight. Maybe watch a movie or something. Knowing Tim, he will be back here on the computer soon, working on Hambones. He’s such a Type A. :mrgreen:

I’ll be gone some tomorrow with my dad. He’s driving up to visit, run an errand and eat lunch with me. We’re going to try to go eat with Tim, if he doesn’t get busy and can get away. The more the merrier! πŸ˜†

Posted by Stace

Feeling Icky

Yesterday I didn’t feel all that well. Actually, I felt rather icky, although it was nothing I could really put my finger on. I *think* I feel better today, but I can’t really tell yet. πŸ˜† I hope I do, I don’t like feeling out of sorts.

I worked out in the yard yesterday morning, but it wasn’t anything strenuous and it wasn’t that hot yet. So I don’t think it was that. The leftovers I ate for lunch didn’t stay down long, so I think that’s why I felt bad all afternoon, I was just kinda weak and lethargic. I didn’t feel any better by the time Tim got home from work, and barely ate half what I put on my plate for supper. Now, for those of you who know me, you know I was feeling bad then. I always clean my plate! I went to bed early, about 9:30 or 10:00, and got a lot of sleep. So hopefully whatever it was is gone.

Of course, that doesn’t really remove the other underlying problem. I don’t have much to blog about! I can’t seem to think of anything interesting or funny or thought-provoking to write about. But hey, I forget, this blog is exceedingly mundane and I don’t usually write about those kinds of things anyway! Ha. Problem solved! :mrgreen:

Posted by Stace

Space Shuttle Discovery

I think I held my breath on and off for over two minutes this morning, while the Space Shuttle Discovery lifted off from Kennedy Space Center about 9:39 AM our time. I said lots of prayers and apparently a lot of other people did too, as the shuttle lifted effortlessly into the sky and then into space. I was so relieved, and so very glad. I’ve always been a huge space and astronomy nut (I wrote more about this a couple of weeks ago, when Discovery was originally supposed to have launched), and I am a firm believer in our right and need to explore space. I know a lot of people might disagree, and say that money was better spent on poverty, medicine or other avenues, but I’m a huge proponent of exploring our last frontier and discovering more of God’s handiwork. I think it’s an integral part of mankind’s nature, to reach out and look for more. I, for one, am very hopeful they will continue our space program and continue to reach further, go faster and do more. I am going to be paying close attention the next few days and find out how all the work at the International Space Station is going. I want to go there one day. πŸ™‚

On another front, I think it’s going to be very hot here again today, but hopefully not as hot as the last few days. I think we hit 100ΒΊ yesterday or the day before. Tim and I were watching the news last night and they said we had not hit 100 since 2000, but that year we hit it several times. It has really felt scorching lately, and I know my flowers and the grass are suffering. I spent over 2 hours out watering and running the sprinklers all morning. Everything is just so parched.

Posted by Stace

Been Exercising

Busy day today and I thought I wouldn’t get any exercise in. But, from my fellow devotees on the Exercise forum on Hambones.org, I got some encouragement and decided to bite the bullet tonight. I worked out to a tape for about 25 minutes, then just as soon as I got through, Tim walked in and asked if I wanted to go for a walk. Now — he claims he had no idea I’d been working out, and played all innocent. Personally, I think he was thinking he could slide by, since I’d just worked out I would say “no, I don’t want to go”.


We took our normal 2 mile route through the subdivision. So, I got nice and doubly sweaty tonight! πŸ™‚

Other stuff going on – I’ve been loving the LOST trivia that Gail is posting on our Trivia forum. Three days in a row now, gotta love it. I love that show and miss that show and can’t wait till the fall for new episodes.

Also going on tonight – we setup a blog for Chris on Hambones. Blogging seems to be the new thing on our little family and friends website. Besides mine, there are now 5 others. Hip-hip-hooray, I love to see everyone getting involved and blogging about what’s on their mind or going on in their life. Love it, just love it!

Posted by Stace

Lots Going on Around Here!

Have had a fairly eventful morning.

Zack came and stayed with me this morning. Linda had to work today and Mitchell had to come to town for an appointment at the VA. Brittany went to work with Linda and Zack rode with his Papaw to the VA, and I went and picked him up to come hang out with me while Mitchell went in for a checkup. Zack and I hung out all morning. We played on the computer, watched tv and had a good time waiting on Papaw. They left about lunchtime.

We discovered this morning (while Zack and I were playing on the computer) that we were having intermittent RoadRunner issues. It affected my phone (using our Vonage Voice over IP service) and our Internet connection. The cable was mostly unaffected. I waited patiently for a couple of hours but it was never resolved. It was up, but it was slow and not very usable. I finally called and spent half an hour on the phone with Roadrunner support, to no avail. Once they heard we had a router, they pretty much said “it must be your router, it’s not our modem or service”. Huh. So, I called my main tech support (Tim), who stepped me through a lot of stuff and got us back up and running. Thanks Tim!

While Zack was here, the Terminex guy came by to do a check of the termite bait stations. I keep the front gate locked these days, so people can’t wander into our backyard. He apparently thought the gate was just stuck, because when he couldn’t get the gate opened using the handle, he reached up and grabbed on the wood plank and yanked on it. And proceeded to splinter off a section of fence board. When I looked out the window, he was standing there with a chunk of my fence in his hand. πŸ™ He said he’d come and replace the board, but I’m not going to hold my breath!

Posted by Stace

Unconscious Mutterings


I say … and you think … ?

Believing:: Seeing is…
Invasion:: of the Body Snatchers
Boys:: will be boys
Island:: The Island (new movie)
Repeatedly:: over and over
Normal:: abnormal
Hex:: hexidecimal
Tuxedo:: prom
Virgin:: girl ???
Cereal:: Raisin Bran Crunch

Posted by Stace


A few tidbits to share this afternoon:

1. We watched Million Dollar baby this afternoon. Wow. I just wrote a review and posted it here on Hambones.

2. It’s hotter than blue blazes outside. I went outside late afternoon to water some of my flowers. They are just so wilted out in this heat. My outdoor thermometer was in the shade and read about 105 degrees. Geesh.

3. I was reading the Sunday paper this afternoon and in doing my favorite part (looking at all the ads), I noticed one prevalent theme — everybody is having Back to School sales. Gee, it’s still July. These poor kids go back so early these days, in early to mid August around here. I don’t remember much, but I swear I remember from some point in my elementary or junior/high school years that we didn’t have to go back till right before Labor Day in early September. I know I remember this because I remember thinking every year how silly it was that we had to start one day or a half day before the Labor Day holiday on Monday. Why not just let us start back that Tuesday? I guess that’s what you call “the good ole days”πŸ™„


Since we drove across town to a different Ford dealership and we were near the Lakeland corridor (tons of great retail, including a new Hobby Lobby opening in the next month, yeah!), I begged and pleaded with Tim for a chance to stop at the Target out there. It’s so much bigger and nicer than the one by our house, and the scrapbook aisle is twice the size! They had just opened a new Best Buy about three door fronts down from the Target, so Tim headed to Best Buy and I got to go to Target and peruse the scrapbook aisle to my hearts content. I picked up 3 $1 document boxes to store some scrapbook foam stamps in, a makeup thingie on sale, and some scrapbook stuff. They had a bunch of patriotic stuff that I had seen a month or so earlier that they didn’t have at my store. I want to try to start work on my pages from DC when the pictures arrive in my mailbox from Snapfish, so I wanted some new papers and toys to play with.

Check the -More- link for a picture of my haul, if you’re so inclined!

After Target, I walked over to Best Buy and Tim and I browsed a bit longer. Then, we realized Chris and Elizabeth would be over soon, and so we headed out. We stopped at Kroger to pick up some dip and cokes for snacking on before the pizza arrived, and I also picked up some necessities while I was there (fruit, veggies, salad, milk, etc). We also stopped in and rented “Million Dollar Baby” with one of the last of my free rental coupons.

We got home just a few minutes before Chris and Liz got to our house. Elizabeth brought the rest of her laundry, and they brought back our Scene-It DVD game they had borrowed. We ordered 2 pizzas from Papa Johns and hung out till it got there. I must stop here and commend our local Papa Johns on their speedy service. I called at 6:15 to order pizza and the guy on the phone said 45 min-1 hour, which is very reasonable for a Saturday night. Less than 25 minutes later, the delivery guy was banging on our front door with two piping hot delicious pizzas. Way to go Papa Johns!

Read the rest of this entry »

Posted by Stace

Rewind to Saturday (Part 1 – Cars)

Yesterday was so busy that I really didn’t have time to blog about the details, just a quick update. So, for those of you yearning for more copious amounts of information about our day, read on dudes and dudettes. πŸ˜€

We slept in late yesterday morning, the first day of Tim’s non-oncall rotation for two weeks. He had a really rough two weeks and we were both pretty tired. We got up and had coffee, juice and homemade waffles. I tried a new recipe for crispy gingerale waffles, and they were good (thanks Gail!). I will try to get the recipe on Hambones soon, but there’s really nothing to it. Bisquick, oil and gingerale. I can post the proportions if anyone wants them pronto. πŸ™‚

After that, we headed out to do some research, scouting and test driving of some new vehicles.

Read the rest of this entry »

Posted by Stace

Later, Gater

Wow, we’ve been busy today, and I had wanted to blog all about it. But that will have to wait till later, alligator!

Short version (look for the long version tomorrow!) – we slept late, ran errands, went and test drove vehicles, went shopping and now Elizabeth and Chris are on their way over to come eat supper (pizza) and hang out. Will try to write more tomorrow! πŸ˜€

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