Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

Posted by Stace

Happy Birthday Tim!!

Happy Birthday Happy Birthday to Tim!
my better half …
the love of my life…
my best friend ….
and all of the cliches I could possibly ever come up with…
and more πŸ™‚

Happy Birthday Sweetheart!!!

Posted by Stace

Unconscious Mutterings (A Day Late)


  1. Stuffed:: like on Thanksgiving!
  2. Armstrong:: Lance
  3. Bruise:: purple
  4. Content:: stuff, like on Hambones, we have lots of content!
  5. Musical:: Broadway
  6. Assistance:: help
  7. Scrambling:: eggs
  8. Battle:: royal
  9. Extended:: family
  10. Discount:: save
Posted by Stace

Monday Madness Meme

Monday Madness Meme

More fill-in-the-blanks this week! Thank you for playing Monday Madness! (Invite your friends to play along…)

1. I’ve always been afraid of snakes .
2. People should not talk on cell phones while in movie theaters or restaurants .
3. The one thing I look forward to every day is being with Tim .
4. My first meal of the day usually consists of cereal and orange juice .
5. It seems like dusting is a never-ending job.
6. The last time I painted a room in my house/apartment was repainting the bathroom .
7. The next time I paint, I’d like to paint my computer/scrap room (room) a soft green (color).

Posted by Stace

Weekend Recap

We’ve had a busy few days. Thanksgiving, and then we got home late Friday, only to turn around early Saturday morning and leave again. Whew, no wonder I’m tired! πŸ™‚

We went to Tim’s parents house on Saturday, so Tim could hunt. I went with his mom to do some errands and shopping, and also to visit her Aunt Irma in the hospital. She fractured her elbow and is having to stay in the hospital for nearly a month for therapy and for them to help her out. She was very chipper though, and glad to see us. It rained off and on all afternoon and was really a dreary day. Tim, Fred, Terry and Zack all went hunting. Zack had shot his first deer on Friday, and was ready to go again. No one got a deer on Saturday though. It was really warm, and even though it was raining, they didn’t see anything.

Sunday, I didn’t feel well. I can’t figure out if I’m just run down or I’ve picked some little bug up. I ache all over and have a nice little headache and tummy ache. I think the tummy ache is from overeating and not eating anything very healthy for the last few days (Saturday, we had pizza and fried chicken πŸ™ ). We ran a few errands Sunday afternoon, and then watched the Saints game on ESPN Sunday night. They finally won a game, yeah! πŸ™‚ Tim went up in the attic and got down my Snow Village for me, but so far, I just don’t feel like putting it up. After the village goes up, then it will be time for the tree, the outside lights and the rest of the decorations. Is it just me, or has the holiday spirit not hit anyone else yet? I don’t have a clue what to get anyone for Christmas this year (hint, hint, please send me some ideas or a list, please!) and I really, really, really don’t want to get out in those crowds and shop. Maybe I can have an online holiday this year!

Posted by Stace

Will. Blog. Tomorrow.

I have a few things to blog about, but just don’t feel like blogging. πŸ™ I don’t feel great and don’t feel like sitting at the computer. Maybe tomorrow.

Posted by Stace

Friday Feast Meme – A Day Late

Friday Feast Meme

Feast Seventy-One
Friday, November 25, 2005

What did you look like when you were a teenager?
Um, a little like I look now, except I was a lot thinner. Probably 25 pounds lighter and my legs looked better (no cellulite, varicose veins or big purple splotches).

Whose advice do you listen to?
Tim’s. Especially when it’s a judgement call on other people, he sizes people up really well and can tell if they are being true or really insincere. I can’t tell. I’m very naive and tend to believe what people tell me.

Name a book you would like to memorize.
Umm, none. Unless it was really, really short.

Main Course
How often are you sick?
I don’t get “big” sick very often at all. I get “piddling” sick a lot – tummy aches, sinus congestion, headaches, general aches and pains. I’ve only thrown up twice in the last 10 years, and I haven’t had the flu in at least 15.

Do you like or dislike change?
Dislike. I don’t do change well. Unless, of course, it was my idea, which it’s usually not. :mrgreen:

Posted by Stace

Home, and Gone Again

We got home tonight from Gail’s – had a great Thanksgiving, tons of great food, got to see lots of family and hang out and visit. It was so good to see Trent, Shanna and the kids, as well as the rest of the family. We miss seeing everyone more often.

We’re headed out again in the morning, to Tim’s family. He’s looking forward to going deer hunting again.

Checked my email when I got in tonight and Linda sent an email that Zack shot his first deer, so we’re very excited for him! She sent pictures with blood smeared all over his face (yuck!) and everything πŸ™‚ I’ll try to load those, plus the ones from Ethan’s party (yes, I’m a week behind) and Thanksgiving in the next week or so.

Posted by Stace

Gobble Gobble

Happy Turkey Day

Happy Turkey day, one and all πŸ™‚

We’re headed out to Gail’s in a little while. I might try to blog later today or tomorrow, not sure. Hope everyone has a great day!

Posted by Stace

The day before Turkey Day

Not a lot going on today… Hambones is quiet and the blogs are quiet and no fun memes to do today. That’s ok, I know everyone is busy getting ready for the big day. I’m about to go start that as well.

Tim is working from home today, and I have a lot of things to do around here. There’s the regular laundry and cleaning, plus today, I’m going to mop the new ceramic tile in the kitchen for the first time. We’ll see then how much I screwed it up when I walked on it after applying the sealer. We may seal it again, or we may just go with it. We’ll know more when it’s mopped.

Got some cooking to do later. Gail is doing the bulk of it, but we’re taking the broccoli cheese casserole and maybe a loaf of cranberry bread. Can’t wait to see everyone and hang out!

Gobble Gobble. :mrgreen:

Posted by Stace

Hunting Widow

Today, I get to be a hunting widow. YEAH! Tim left a little while ago to go over to his parents and hunt again. You’d think after he killed that 9 point that he would be ok, but it just stokes the fires, I guess. πŸ™‚

Headed out to the grocery store in a minute to pick up a few last minute items. Tomorrow is cooking day. Then, Thursday we get to drive up and see everyone – yippeee!

I’m going to watch some of our favorite shows tonight, without Tim. Looking forward to 3 back to back – NCIS, Amazing Race and our new favorite, Threshold, which they just moved from Fridays to Tuesdays. All great shows. I’ll have to tape them for Tim, but I’m going to be bad and watch them without him!


Found this one today… it’s new to me! From this site:

Tuesday's Tales

BBRRRÒ€¦ Did someone say winter?

1. Do you like the colder weather, or are you into the hotter weather? I love, love, love winter. My absolute favorite time of year is fall and winter. I hate summer and sweating and being hot and even wearing shorts (hate my legs). What’s weird is that I’m very cold-natured and hate being cold, but go figure – I love this time of year!!

2. What is your favorite thing about winter? Making homemade soups and stews, homemade bread, drinking hot chocolate and coffee, curling up by the fire with a book, burning all my wonderful Yankee candles, etc

3. Do you have a favorite comfy, cozy lounging around outfit? Any comfy old sweats and sweatshirt

4. WhatÒ€ℒs your favorite warm drink when it is just too cold out there?
My homemade hot chocolate

Posted by Stace

Ten on Tuesday Meme

Ten on Tuesday

10 Things You Like Eating at Thanksgiving Dinner

1. Turkey – white meat only, please
2. Gail’s squash dressing
3. cranberry sauce, preferably canned
4. Broccoli Cheese casserole
5. sweet potatoes (casserole or roasted)
6. leftover turkey sandwich, with lots of mayo
7. anything sweet for dessert
8. Gail’s green bean bundles
9. rolls with butter
10. more dessert πŸ™‚

Posted by Stace

One of Those Days

Ever have one of those days when you can’t seem to do anything right? Where you wished you had just stayed in bed with the covers over your head?

I have. Today is one of those days.

Geesh, I hope tomorrow is better. Maybe everything I touch won’t break, I won’t mess everything up and things will go a little better.

P.S. I am not the only one, Tim has been on a conference call since 8 PM and I think they are having problems… πŸ™

Posted by Stace

Monday Madness Meme

Monday Madness Meme

It’s that time of the week again! Enjoy! =)

1. I have little or no patience when it comes to terrible drivers, people who talk on their cellphones in restaurants, movie theatres, etc. People who are chronically late. And the list goes on and on!
2. I wish I could spend more time reading.
3. The most productive thing I accomplished this past weekend was trying to catch up on the laundry.
4. The most enjoyable thing I did this weekend was started reading a Christmas book.
5. I’ve always wanted to learn how to play a musical instrument.
6. If money wasn’t an issue, I’d buy a big house with a huge kitchen and a theater room.
7. I blog because I enjoy it, and it hopefully entertains my sisters!.

Posted by Stace

Opening Day Results

We had a long day yesterday, but good. Tim went hunting with Terry, Tony, Fred and some other people. Tim shot a 9 point buck and was pretty jazzed about it. We took the meat to the processors this afternoon.

I rode with Mitchell, Linda, Brittany and Zack to Hattiesburg to go to Ethan’s 3rd birthday party. We had a lot of fun, but had to leave early to get back. Mitchell shot a deer when he got back also (a small doe), so they all had a good day.

Click to see a deer picture… BEWARE – slightly bloody, very dead Bucky on the extended page. Consider yourself warned πŸ™‚

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