We had a long day yesterday, but good. Tim went hunting with Terry, Tony, Fred and some other people. Tim shot a 9 point buck and was pretty jazzed about it. We took the meat to the processors this afternoon.
I rode with Mitchell, Linda, Brittany and Zack to Hattiesburg to go to Ethan’s 3rd birthday party. We had a lot of fun, but had to leave early to get back. Mitchell shot a deer when he got back also (a small doe), so they all had a good day.
Click to see a deer picture… BEWARE – slightly bloody, very dead Bucky on the extended page. Consider yourself warned 🙂
Tim’s 9 point buck:
Well I do count nine points on those horns!
Remember, I found a 3-4 point horn in my backyard woods….and it was free for the finding, no blood around.
Stacy you eat deer meat now?!!
Cool…That’s a good size deer. Tell Tim I said congrats.
Suzanne – I only eat deer meat that has been to the processor. They grind it up there and add fat and seasonings, and we have it done like hamburger. It doesn’t taste wild after the stuff is added, so I do eat it like that. The place we take it to (Vann’s – far side of Brandon) is famous for their smoked sausage, so we get sausage links made up also. I don’t eat much of that, but it is pretty good. I won’t eat any of the tenderloin or roasts that Tim cuts off. It still has that wild, gamey taste to it, to me. He takes those to his mom, who will cook them for him. I don’t know or want to learn how to cook raw, unprocessed, wild deer. She fries it up for them, though, like country fried steak.
She fries it up for them, though, like country fried steak.
Deer meat is meat and meat is good, it is the reason we are not all hippie Chicago North vegetarians — isnt that right Suzanne Pepper?
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