Let football season, at least in our household, commence.
For those of you who know us personally, you know how important football season is to Tim, now by virtue of proximity, to me. Actually, in the 10 years that we have been together, I have actually come to really love and enjoy football. Of course, I’m not in the same stratosphere that Tim is, but still, I am not a football widow; I’m a willing participant.
I don’t, however, get as excited about preseason as Tim does. The Saints training camp started yesterday, so it has all begun for Tim. He pulled out an old Saints tape last night and started watching old games. This is something he does every year, as he gets back into his football mindset. I think he’s a great armchair quarterback/coach. From the amount of tapes he watches in preseason, as well as repeatedly during the week of the actual season, he ought to be! haha, just kidding sweetheart
Tim is actually a little behind schedule this year. He normally starts watching his tapes earlier in the summer, usually a couple of weeks or more before the preseason starts. He’s been busier at work and working on Hambones more at night this year, and he’s behind schedule. Poor baby. He has been reading all of his football magazines though. We buy all of those in early June, and he devours them in the weeks leading up to preseason.
Anyway – it has begun. Let football season commence. Hip-hip hoorah!