Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Bye-Bye Paper!

If you know me in real life, you know I am a creature of habit and routine. And you know that it is sometimes hard for me to break those habits and routines 🙂 So, it might come as a surprise to some of you that we no longer get a newspaper every day. I know… gasp! 😀

I grew up with a daily newspaper. My mom worked the crossword and Jumble every morning, and my dad read the paper with his breakfast and coffee. Once I got out of college and got into my first apartment, I subscribed to the local newspaper. Since I’ve lived in our house, for over 16 years, I have received a paper every day on my driveway. My sister works in the newspaper business. My dog loves to retrieve the paper every day for a treat:

So, you can understand that I’m having a bit of a problem adapting to no longer getting a daily paper. Tim has been wanting to cancel it for a long time. We’re trying to cut some things in our budget, so this seemed like the easiest one to do (he wants to cut the landline, house phone soon, and I’ve been fighting that one too, mostly since he works from home full-time, currently). Our local paper does have a website, and I am trying to get used to checking it daily for news. They also twitter headlines, so that’s been the main source of me geting my local news. Sigh, it’s just different. I can’t sit at the kitchen table with my meal and read the paper. You’d think me, the computer girl, would really like getting her news on the computer, but so far I’ve had a bit of trouble adapting. 🙁

At least Tim did compromise and let me keep the Sunday newpaper, so I can see the ads and coupons 😀 One day is better than none!