Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Rarer than a Blue Moon

Well, Tim is home sick today. That happens even less frequently than a blue moon. I can remember maybe one other time in the last 8 years or so that Tim has stayed home from work sick. Poor baby. He says he feels better now (3:30 PM) than he did this morning, so that’s a good sign. I hope he doesn’t have or get this crud that is going around. Gail and Don have had it, and Tim says just about everybody at work has had it. I don’t want it. Please, go away and do not visit our home.

Been busy today. Went and got my hair cut, then ran some errands. I went to Michaels with my obligatory coupon but couldn’t find a single thing that I wanted to spend money on. Gee, I sure wish we would get another craft chain store (oh, Hobby Lobby, oh Joann’s, oh AC Moore, where are you??). It would be so great if one would open up somewhere, like maybe out Lakeland Drive, where everything else is opening up. I saw in the paper yesterday that the new Kohl’s had opened early. Gotta go check that store and the new Lowe’s, which also opened yesterday, out this weekend. Maybe Friday night, if not then, then either Saturday or Sunday.

I digress. I do that a lot!

I also made a big run to Sam’s. Spent tons of money. Got large copious amounts of just a few things. Renewed our membership for another year. 35 bucks, cha-ching. Stopped and picked up Sonic for Tim on the way home for lunch. I was trying so hard to be good. I wanted a burger or chicken sandwich. With Fries. Or Tots. Or Onion Rings. And a cherry limeade. I was good and got a salad. That’s it. Argh, it was just OKAY.

Need to run more errands, but decided to save them for another day. So, I’m catching up on the trivia on hambones, emails, blog surfing, point earning, and various household chores (laundry, dishwasher, cleaning up), etc, for the remainder of the afternoon. We will have a nice dinner and then settle in to watch Lost and Alias. I can’t wait! We’ll have to tape the Idol results show. It always comes in second to Lost.


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