Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Movie Time

Tim went to Hollywood Video yesterday to rent some movies. He asked if I wanted to go with him before he left, but I was curled up in my chair with my book and told him “No, you go rent you some movies you want to see, I am happy with my book.” He left and came back with 3 movies. He was trying to be sweet, and rented one for himself (Kingdom of Heaven), one he thought we’d both watch (Legend of Zorro) and one “for me”. What did you get for me, I ask? “Miss Congeniality 2”. Sigh. We’ve seen that Tim. No, we haven’t. Yes, we have. We saw it last year. I don’t remember it. Let me go pull up the review on Hambones – here it is, I reviewed it in July of last year. Oh, ok. Would you take it back and try to rent me another one? NO!

He watched Kingdom of Heaven last night, but I was reading, so I won’t be able to give a review of that one. I doubt Tim will type up a review, he’s not “into that”. We’ll watch Zorro later today, and I’ll try to review that one on Hambones later.


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