Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Friday Feast Meme

Friday Feast Meme

Friday, February 10, 2006
Feast Eighty

What was a class or course you took while in school that you realize now was a total waste of time?
I enjoyed most of the classes I took in both high school and college. Even though my degree is in mathematics and computer science, I really think I’d have to pick one of my math classes. The non-Euclidean geometry class I struggled with was the worst – it was the polar opposite of all geometry (Euclidean) that I had ever taken. A very “think outside the box” kind of class… in this one, parallel lines meet, and you had to plot them out. I had a lot of trouble with this class and I hated it.

Who is the tallest person you know?
I went to college with a couple of guys that were 6’6″ and 6’7″.

What’s your favorite midnight snack?
I try not to eat late at night. If I want something, I try to just drink some orange juice. I guess if I was going to be really bad and splurge, it would be something chocolate. Surprise, surprise! 😀

Main Course
Have you ever found money somewhere? If so, where did you find it, and how much was it?
I find money all the time, I think because I’m always looking down. I find coins mostly, but I have found dollar bills before. The most memorable money I ever found was in elementary or junior high. I found 3 quarters lined up perfectly on top of one another in the circle where our house was. I remember being so excited, it’s like someone laid them out for me (there were only 3 houses in our circle), and I was so happy. That 75 cents was more than I got for my allowance for the week, so I thought I was so rich!

Where would you like to retire?
In the mountains, in a very large cabin with a huge kitchen, a huge great room (big stone fireplace is a must), a room with a pool table, a hot tub outside, and gorgeous views of the mountains. Rockers on the porch, to watch the sunrise and sunset. :mrgreen:


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