Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Thursday Threesome Meme

Thursday Threesome Meme

::Premium Web Service::

Onesome–Premium – Have you paid for any access to web services? What services? What are they like? No, we don’t pay for any premium anything. The only thing we pay for computer wise is our internet access and domain name registration. I’ve never signed up for premium music or movie services, online or otherwise.

Twosome–Web – For the free stuff on the web, what it your favorite out there? What do you find yourself looking at everyday? Hmm, I find myself going to my favorite message boards and blogs every day, but as far as sites to get freebies…. I can’t think of any off the top of my head! 🙂 I get lots of free recipes at my cooking site, does that count?!

Threesome–Service – What goes on in your mind when you’re out and get bad service from a restaurant or store? Do you let it slide off your back like ducks do to water? Or, do you make sure the business knows your dissatisfaction?you make sure the business knows your dissatisfaction? WELL. Interesting question. I’m more opinionated in restaurants about food and service, but that comes from working in restaurants and serving people, I look at it differently. But, the overall answer is the same – I fume, fuss to Tim later, sometimes blog about it, but I am so non-confrontational, that I don’t ever tell the waiter/cashier/store manager or whoever that I’m dissatisfied. I don’t want to appear rude or inconsiderate, and I don’t like to cause a fuss about anything, so I won’t ever confront them or voice my opinion. In fact, we’ve had manager types come by our table before in restaurants and ask “is everything ok” or something like that, and even if it’s not, I won’t say a word. I just smile and say “fine, thanks” or something along those lines. I don’t like scenes. 🙂


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