Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

By the Way Sunday Meme

By the Way Sunday

Dance, Dance, Dance!
Everyone is carried away with the newest craze, Ballroom Dancing.

By the way. . .
Do you like to dance? We never dance, at home or out in public. I’ve been watching Dancing with the Stars though, and trying to get Tim interested in taking ballroom dance lessons with me. Well. You can imagine how far I’ve gotten with that. Zero. Zilch. Tim relented and said he might consider line dancing at a local country place, but that’s the only concession he’s made.

If so, what is your favorite kind of dance? None yet, but I’ve enjoyed watching all of them on the show. I’d love to learn to waltz.

What’s your experience with dance?
Did you take lessons as a child or maybe you were a disco queen?
None! No lessons ever. I was on a drill team in high school, but it was more precision moves than dance moves.

Be honest, can you move on the dance floor, or should you just watch? Well, honestly, I’m probably terrible, but I’d like to try 🙂

  1. Sindee Said,

    Hi Stacy!
    Loved your BTWS answers. Good luck on getting Tim to those dance lessons. lol I have a non-dancing hubby, bless his heart. lol 🙂

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