Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Monday Madness Meme

Monday Madness Meme

True or False (and feel free to elaborate)

1. I consider myself to be very organized. Yes 😀
2. I tend to get more done when I’m pressed for time. Pretty Much, I think it helps me focus
3. Multi-tasking is something I do often. These days, I don’t have to multi-task as much as I did when I was working. But I can still do it, if required.
4. I might be a perfectionist. Hmmm, well, ok, maybe
5. I enjoy Mondays as much as I enjoy Fridays. True
6. If I didn’t make a list (or hang a post-it note) I’d forget what it is I need to do. Absolutely True
7. I have no problem asking for help when I don’t understand something. True most of the time, might depend on the task or person I’m having to ask 🙂

  1. Tim Said,

    Interesting answer to #4. 🙂

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