Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Thursday Threesome Meme

Thursday Threesome Meme

::A Dangerous Step ::

Onesome: A– whole new year is in progress and we’ve made it just over a month into it. Do you have any new projects started around the place or are you waiting for Spring? …or does it already feel like Spring? We have projects planned, but haven’t started any yet. They’ll probably be popping up soon though! Some inside, some outside, which will have to wait for spring. It’s fairly warm, but I’m not ready for spring. I wish we could have a little bit of winter around here! 😀

Twosome: dangerous– It’s a dangerous world out there on the Net some days! What are you using for Anti-Virus and/or Firewall software? …and is it working well for you? (If not, it may be worth seeing what the gang has to say…) On the Windows side (my regular PC), I use Norton for virus software and Zone Alarm for a firewall. We don’t have to do as much on the server side, since it runs Linux. I have no idea what Tim has going on that side, that’s his area of expertise and not mine.

Threesome: Step– right up and tell us what you have planned for the “Annual Commercial Extravaganza” this Sunday. You know, the one with the football game cut up and slid between the segments. Is it party time? Shopping? What commercials? Well, after a several year lapse, we’re going to have another Super Bowl party. I have to get the rest of the plans together for food, and get busy with all that. I hope to get some time to watch the game. I love football and I do love all the commercials. In years past, I’ve usually been busy with food, cleaning up, or entertaining people and I miss a lot of the game. Hopefully that won’t be the case this year. I just wish my Colts had made it 🙂


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