Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Caribbean Bars

I had some bananas that were ripe and needed to be used up. I normally throw them in the freezer, to use for another time, but I was in a baking mood yesterday and wanted to try something new. So, I poked around through the numerous recipes that I have collected (but never tried), and made a new one. They’re called Caribbean Bars and the recipe is now on Hambones (click here).

Here’s the batter, in my new batter bowl that I love and adore 😀

Batter for Caribbean Bars

And here’s the finished product, waiting to go to work with Tim (after we had each tasted one, of course!):

Caribbean Bars

Tim pronounced them a keeper, so I guess I can put them in my “tried and true” files 🙂

  1. Gail Said,

    Oh wow, have you used your bowl! I need to use mine I guess!
    The red looks very Valentiney!

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