Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Sweetheart Brownie Blast

If you haven’t had a Sweetheart Brownie Blast at Sonic yet, be sure to get one before they’re gone. 🙂 Sonic is really great about offering seasonal or monthly items, new things to try, and this is one of their best, IMHO.

I have a long-standing love affair with Sonic’s February offerings. They used to have a “Sweetheart Shake” in February, and I would always get at least one from my darling husband, as a surprise or happy, in February. He was really good about it, and would always get me one every year, for the first few years we were married. I looked forward to it every February (every day, wondering if today was the day he would bring me one home as a surprise…nothing like a little anticipation :mrgreen:) Then, for some unknown reason, Sonic stopped making them. We probably had a 2 or 3 or maybe 4 year drought where they didn’t have a Sweetheart anything. Then, last year (or maybe the previous year), they started offering this “Sweetheart Brownie Blast”. WELL. You can’t go wrong in my book by combining soft serve ice cream, cherries, brownies and whipped cream. They’re delicious.

Tim came home with one for me yesterday…

Sweetheart Brownie Blast from Sonic

This was, of course, the same time he came home with some new happies (for himself). He went out and purchased the two items I was planning on buying him for Valentines Day. I keep telling him, trying to get it through his thick skull, that he needs to stop buying himself presents 1-2 weeks before “known holidays” such as his birthday, Christmas, Valentines, and our anniversary. He never remembers. He went and bought himself a big bag of golf balls, and these yesterday:

Well, maybe I need to get him proper golf clothes (which of course, I can’t pick out, since he’d have to try them on). He seems to like playing golf in his vinyl pants:

Sigh. I’m out of ideas on what to get him for Valentines Day. John Grisham has no new book published this year in Jan/Feb, which is what I’ve gotten Tim for the last 7 or 8 years, maybe more. He’s so obsessed about golf, that I was going to get him golf stuff, but now he’s gone out and bought himself what I was planning on getting him. Anyone got any other ideas? Let me know, please, if you have any light bulb moments. 😀

  1. Gail Said,

    There is a ton of golf stuff out there! Just go to Edwin Watts and look around! Those look like Don’s golf shoes. And, they always need those golf balls to go to the driving range with because, they don’t usually come back with all of them!

  2. Kirk Said,

    Why dont you buy him his first professional golf lesson, not that expensive and would probably go over REALLY well…

  3. Suzanne Said,

    Good ideas all……….golf anything for those who are addicted.

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